I'm sorry

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"FUCK YOU! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!"Stiles screamed while walking closer to the edge of the building.
He was extremely close to the edge and every time Derek got closer to Stiles, he edged closer and closer to the edge. This had been going on for an hour or two now.
"Stiles don't say that. I- I love you." Derek confessed. Stiles looked up at him.
Derek just said he loved Stiles, they haven't said 'I love you' to each other yet.
Stiles sniffled and looked at his hands.
He turned his back to the edge and smiled at Derek, a soft, almost innocent smile.
Derek sighed in relief thinking that Stiles was going to get away from the edge.
"I love you too Derek, that's why I didn't want you here. I didn't want you to see me." Stiles breathed before looking at Derek with fresh tears in his eyes.
"I-I Love you so much, I love you so fucking much, you remember that okay?" Stiles asked before uttering 'I'm sorry' and leaning over the edge of the tall building.
"NOOOO—" Derek screamed before jumping off the building after him.
With his supernatural reflexes he reached stiles and wrapped his body around Stiles's frame before they hit the ground with a thud.
Stiles crawled off of Derek and starting crying harder.
He was limp on the ground, as his body took both of their impacts.
Stiles's moods immediately shifted and he was by Derek's side in an instant.
"Derek? C'mon wake up. Please wake up oh my God please." Stiles mumbled.
He felt for a pulse and choked on his sobs when he didn't feel one.
"Okay Stiles, we can't panic yet, Melissa taught you CPR you can do this. Just tilt the chin and here we go."
Stiles mumbled to himself before trying his best at CPR.
"No! No no no no no no no no! Derek you have to help me out. You idiot." After numerous tries at trying to revive Derek, Stiles had given up.
"How could you leave me? It wasn't supposed to be you that left!"Stiles sobbed before kissing Derek on the forehead, nose, and left a lingering kiss on Derek's lips and flinched at their coldness.
A sudden burst of rage coursed through Stiles and he hit Derek's chest with all of his strength.
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE?" He screamed out.
Derek's eyes shot open as he gasped for breath. He immediately retracted his claws after he felt something wet on his fingertips.
Stiles gasped both in shock at Derek being alive and in pain.
Derek's eyes widened and tears immediately began pouring down his cheeks as he pulled Stiles into his body.
"No, you're okay. It's okay. Everything is fine." Derek whispered, his voice cracking and higher than usual.
He had one hand on Stiles's abdomen where he was bleeding out and the other was supporting Stiles's head.
Stiles coughed and blood dribbled out of his mouth.
"Derek I—" Stiles tried, his voice failing.
"Derek I'm sorry, after almost losing you, I realized how hard it is to lose you and I don't want you to go through losing someone again." Stiles croaked out.
"This is my fault, I'm sorry. I did this, I can't deal with— I love you so much Stiles." Derek's voice broke off.
Stiles reached a shaky hand up and brushed away some of Derek's tears.
"Don't, Don't fucking blame yourself for this... okay? I love you so much, don't forget."
" I won't, I promise, Stiles."
" I don't want to die." Stiles whispered almost inaudibly.
"I'm not an alpha anymore, I can't save you, I'm fucking useless." Derek breathed, while holding onto him tighter.
"No, don't start that Derek. You aren't useless. And you have already saved me."
"Stiles I need to tell you something."
"No, please, just just hold me." (Sorry Merlin fans... RIP😭)
With his last strength, Stiles leaned up and kissed Derek on the lips.
They kissed until Derek felt Stiles sigh and go limp in his arms.
Derek squeezed his eyes shut tighter and kissed Stiles again.

Two days later.

Derek walked up to the podium and took a quivering breath before speaking into the mic.
"I love Stiles so much, he was the light in my life and the reason I'm here today. Because honestly, without him, I know I wouldn't be here today. Wether that be my depression finally catching up with me or something else.I want to say so much more about how just incredible he is but then I'd be up here for hours. He is the best person you'll ever meet and I couldn't sav-save him."
Derek took a shaky breath and looked around the room.
He saw Lydia, Parrish, Jackson, Danny, and Ethan all huddled together and sniffling,though Lydia looked in worse shape.
He saw Boyd comforting Erica whom was bawling, whilst Boyd was wiping away his own tears as well.
He saw Allison and Argent sniffling together and for once he didn't mind them being in the same building. He saw Kira and Malia hugging on each other and crying.
And finally, he saw Scott and Isaac, Melissa, and John clutching onto one another and crying almost uncontrollably.
Derek looked down at the podium in front of him before clearing his throat.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to everyone in this room, I'm sorry to everyone who cared about Stiles and I know he cared about you. And lastly, I'm sorry Stiles, I'm sorry I couldn't save you." Derek walked off of the stage and back into his seat next to Erica. She looked over at him and smiled softly before hugging him. Derek tensed but relaxed and hugged her back. John turned around in his chair and whispered: "thank you for doing this, I know these things aren't really your style but I know you loved him."
Derek let out a short breath before leaning near the sheriff to reply.
"I would do anything for Stiles, he is my mate, and I never got to tell him."
"It's okay Derek, I'm sure he knew." The sheriff said softly and patted Derek on the shoulder.
After the service Derek went to him and Stiles's favorite spot in the woods.
"It's okay Stiles, I didn't tell them you tried to kill yourself. I fell awful for lying to your dad but he couldn't take it right now."
Derek whispered before laying down onto the soft grass where him and Stiles have laid so many times before. Only this time, Derek wouldn't be leaving.

Boy that was a roller coaster of emotions, and sorry for the um Romeo and Juliet style ending, but I thought it was kinda poetic and suited but idk. Sorry again for making both Stiles and Derek die. But love you guys!!! And thank everyone who reads these and votes and comments! I love all of you guys!❤️

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