He's in pain pt2

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Stiles's Pov
I woke with a gasp and emotions followed by a wave a nausea hit me hard.
I looked around for something to puke in.
Something was placed in front of me and I didn't hesitate.
After I was through I looked around the  room I was in.
Derek and Scott were on one side of the bed, while my dad and Melissa are on the other.
Derek and Scott each were touching me in some form and their veins were a inky black.
Everyone in the room looked relieved but exhausted at the same time.
Derek and Scott looked in worse shape, although my dad wasn't to far behind them.
Derek looked worse than Scott, his eyesbags were horrible and his dark circles were almost the same color as his veins.
I think most of the reason he looked so bad was because him and Scott were taking pain.
There is no telling how long he's been here.
I looked over at my dad and felt guilty, he looked extremely exhausted and worn out. But a smile was stretched across his face nonetheless.

I looked down at my hand, which was interlaced with Derek's and gasped.
My wrist was wrapped in a towel.

I went to grab the towel but Derek caught my other wrist.
I looked up at him and he leaned down to my ear.
I felt his hot breath tickle against my neck.
I got goosebumps as his deep voice gruffly whispered, "later, I'll explain everything."
Before leaning back up he kissed my neck and I immediately missed the feeling of his lips on my skin.

I cleared my scratchy throat before managing, "Uh-I um hey guys, what'd I miss? You guys look like somebody killed your puppy." I pulled up a smile and small laugh. But my smile grew genuine when I saw everyone else in the room smile, or let out a chuckle.

We all laughed and talked for a few hours, well most of us, Melissa had to go back to work but she popped in every hour or so.
After a while people started fading out. Leaving only Derek, Scott, and my dad.

Derek mumbled something under his breath and Scott coughed immediately after.
Confused and a bit angry I spoke up, "listen, not all of us are werewolves. What did you say Derek?"
"Uh about that, Derek has some explaining to do, we'll be outside. And totally not eavesdropping." Scott mumbled the last part and Derek glared at him.
My dad gave my hand a squeeze before standing up and walking out with Scott.
"You're going to tell me everything you hear, right Scott?" My dad not-so quietly whispered.
"Yeah thanks for the privacy guys." I sarcastically called out after them.

Derek cleared his throat and looked at me, "uh Stiles. I'm going to show you something, but please let me explain before you say anything okay? Just trust me please?"

I nodded my head, "yeah, okay and Derek you can stop drawing my pain. I can handle it."

Derek hesitantly released my arm and I flinched at the pain that made its presence known.

Immediately Derek relaced our hands together and my pain started dispersing once again.

"Derek I can handle it. I just need to get used to it." I mumbled, knowing he could hear me.

Derek shook his head.
"You shouldn't have to 'get used to it' you don't deserve to be in pain."

"And neither do you." I responded. I'm a sap. I can't help it.

Derek ignored my comment and turned my hand over that he was holding and that also has the rag on it.

Derek gently pulled the rag away to reveal a healing bite wound. A werewolf bite wound.

"Just let me explain please." Derek sounded so sad and empty. I couldn't be angry.

I'm not angry, I'm just a little sad, maybe confused.

"It's okay Derek. I'm not mad." I tried but Derek was shaking his head.

"Stiles you don't understand. You were dying! They said you weren't going to wake up. I got permission from your dad first though. But I didn't want to do this without your consent but it was the only way."

I looked down at the man in front of me, the man I loved greatly, the man that I wanted to spent my life with, the same man that was broken and had been betrayed by so many. The man that lost everything.
I felt pride in my heart in knowing that he had a family now. Maybe not blood, but pretty freakin close to it.

"C'mere Der." I muttered tiredly. It had been I long day and I was ready to sleep.

Derek leaned in closer to me from the chair he was in and I pulled him on top of me.

"Stiles what the-" Derek exclaimed.

I yawned, "I just want you to lay with me, please." I muttered, tiredly.

"I can do that." Derek whispered in my ear as he moved so that he was spooning me.

He kissed my neck and butterflies soared through my stomach.
"I love you Derek." I mumbled, sleep already about to take over.

"I love you too Stiles." Derek's voice was muted from a pillow and I smiled and looked at my wrist before drifting off to sleep.

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