He's in pain

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Beep    Beep    Beep...

The monitor continued its indication that allowed me to know that Stiles is alive.
Besides the fact that I can hear his heartbeat.

Thump       Thump      Thump

That's the only thing keeping me sane. He has not woken up since he has been here, and no doctor will tell me what happened. I was going to get Melissa but I'm not going to leave Stiles's bedside.
The door to the hospital room opened and Melissa poked her head in. Her eyes filled with pity as she looked over at me.
I shot up out of my chair when she nodded her head, indicating that she wanted to talk outside.
She closed the door behind me and turned to face me.
"Do you know what's wrong with him? Please Melissa, no one will tell me anything and I-I'm I-I can't lose him."
She has become like a mother to me and I'm thankful to have someone to talk to again.
She shook her head before grimly replying, "we-uh the doctors don't know if he will wake up. He cr-crashed his Jeep, flipped it completely over." She wiped the tears that were streaming down her face and let out a breath. "He's in a coma, and I don't know what to do to help him" she hiccuped.
"Hey Melissa, it's okay. Ther- there's nothing we can do."  I wiped my own eyes and sniffled.
Well there is one thing I can do. But I wouldn't do it without Stiles's permission.
"Hey, Melissa? Where's the sheriff?" I asked. I'm surprised he's not here with Stiles.
"He's uh, he's caught up in trying to figure out how Stiles flipped his Jeep. He said he's leaving as soon as he can, why?" She asked her eyes meeting mine for a second before they lit up with thought.
"Oh no, I know what you want to do. And yeah I would think you would need to have John's permission for it." Just then Scott rounded the corner and made a beeline for us.
"I don't know why no one tells me anything. How come I was the last person to find out about this?" He questioned as he stopped in front of me.
Melissa gave me a look before wiping her eyes, "Well I'll let you two get caught up, let me know if anything changes or if you get your answer Derek." She walked away with tears still streaming from her cheeks.
I quickly filled Scott in on what I had heard happened.
"They don't think he'll wake up? What are we going to do Derek, he can't die. Stiles can't die!"
"I know that's why I have a plan, I just need the sheriff's permission for it."
Scott shot me a confused look, " what plan?"
I shook my head before letting my eyes bleed from green to red and back again.
"Okay, what's the plan? Why do you have to be so vague?" Scott asked, his head tilting slightly to the side.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "I'm going to bite him, if John allows me to. I'm not letting Stiles die regardless what happens he'll make it out alive."
I turned around and headed back into Stiles's room and took my place next to his bed again.
I grabbed his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers, "you'll be okay Stiles, I won't let anything else happen to you. I love you." I brought his hand up to my mouth and kissed it.
John burst through the door and took a seat on the other side of the bed.
"Is he going to be okay?" John asked after a few minutes of silence.
I shook my head before responding, "They don't think he's going to wake up."
Scott opened the door and sat down at the foot of Stiles's bed.
"But Derek has a plan Mr.Stilinski. If he has your permission of course." Scott piped up from his spot.
John sighed and rubbed his face, taking a few tears with it.
"What is this plan Derek?"
I looked over at John before putting on my best sympathetic voice, "I want to bite stiles."
John's head shot up and he looked at me. He opened his mouth as to say something, decided against it and closed it.
"I-I don't want him to be o-one of us. But I will stay in a locked room alone with Kate Argent before I let him die."
Something flashed in John's eyes before he looked over at Stiles.
He wiped his eyes, "is there a way to ensure that he will survive the bite?"
"Yes, there is at least one way that will ensure that he will survive." At my words Scott looked over at me. In a way, it was true. I could ensure that Stiles lived, if he started dying from the bite, I give him my alpha status. I don't know if it will kill me or not though.
Scott was still staring at me. "Not now Scott." I whispered so only he would hear me.
John nodded his head, "Okay, I-uh I'm going to talk to Melissa for a second." He ran a hand down his tired face and stood up, "I'll be right back."
After he left Scott opened his mouth but I cut him off before he could say anything, "don't. Not right now Scott."
Scott stood up, "what do you mean not right now? You never said there was a guaranteed way that someone could survive the bite!"
I looked over at him and sighed, " because there isn't. If the person that got bit is dying, there is one way that they can be saved. The person that bit them takes away their pain so much that they give them their alpha status. I don't know if it kills the alpha or not. That's why no one knows about it."
I stared at Stiles's sleeping form for a few seconds before looking over at Scott.
He opened his mouth, tilted his head, then closed it. "But-y-you-I-what?"
I sighed, "we don't even know that he won't accept the bite. He's healthy, so he should be fine, but just in case."
Scott looked over at Stiles then back at me, "you would give up your life for his?"
I looked sadly over at Stiles and felt my eyes water, blinking them away I responded, "his life is worth more than mine. Besides, I love him. Would you not do anything for him? He's your brother. Well I'm the same but in a different way, it's like I physically have to help him in any way I can."
I heard Scott mumble something but I couldn't make it out, "what?"
Scott lifted his head a little, "it's like you guys are mates."
I smiled a little and looked at Stiles, imagining the look on his face if he heard Scott say that, "I hope so, he's the only reason I get up in the morning."
I jumped as a sudden burst of pain shot through my arm.
I looked down and saw my veins turning black.
I glanced over at Stiles and then our intertwined fingers.
"He's in pain." I mumbled, my voice cracking a little.
"Is it bad?" Scott asked, making his way over to Stiles's other side.
I didn't answer but instead watched Scott take his other arm. His veins immediately turned black and the pain in my arm lessened.
"Oh my God. Stiles." Scott whispered.
"Isn't he on medication for the pain? Isn't that what this is?" Scott motioned to one of the IV's that were in Stiles's arms.
"I think so. I don't know." I shook my head.
"Scott go get Melissa. I'll take care of him."
Scott hesitated but nodded and got up.
I waited until I heard the door close before turning back to Stiles.
"Hey, you'll be okay. I'll make sure you are. Nothing is going to hurt you again." I whispered.
I flinched as the pain in my arm increased. The medicine must not be working anymore.
The door opened again and the sheriff, Melissa, and Scott came into the room.
Melissa checked the IV bags and looked over at John with a grim expression.
"The medicine isn't out, I don't know what's wrong. We can't up the dosage, it could kill him." Melissa cleared her throat.
John took his seat opposite me again and Scott sat next to me.
Scott grabbed Stiles's other arm and started drawing Stiles's pain.
John looked down at my black veins and ran a hand down his face, "Okay."
I looked up at him confused, "sir?"
"You can bite him, or whatever you had in mind."
I nodded my head in understanding, "Okay. Do you want me to do it now or-" I trailed off.
John cleared his throat, "we'll give you privacy, c'mon Scott." At this Scott jerked his head up and looked at him with his mouth agape, but he got up and followed the sheriff and Melissa out of the room.
As soon as Scott let go of Stiles's arm, a white hot dagger pierced through my arm again and I had to swallow a yell.
If we weren't here, this is what Stiles would be going through.
I leaned down towards where mine and Stiles's hands where, and brought his arm up to my lips.
I kissed the spot where I would soon bite.
I looked over at Stiles and took a deep breath. I felt my canines grow longer and felt my eyes bleed red.
I tried to cautiously bite down on his arm, and resisted the urge to lick up the blood that piled up on his wound.
I got up and quickly grabbed a towel from the bathroom before sitting back down and taking Stiles's pain again.
Another wave stabbed its way through me.
I wrapped the towel around Stiles's arm, "Scott. You guys can come back in now." I spoke, knowing that Scott was listening in the room.
Sure enough a few moments later they all came back in here, followed by Scott's little 'pack.'
I returned to listening to Stiles's heartbeat and heard it picking up.
Me and Scott locked eyes and looked over at Stiles.
A second later his eyes shot open and he gasped a breath.


So this is longer than my others and I think I plan on making a pt2 but I'm not sure, let me know if I should.

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