You're a lifesaver

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Stiles glanced at his watch, 'he was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago' Stiles thought with dread filling in the pit of his stomach.
The waitress walked up for the third time, "Hey, are you sure you don't want to go ahead and order?" She asked with a genuine smile on her face.
Stiles cleared his throat and forced himself to say, "No, he'll be here. It's probably traffic or an emergency or something that's keeping him."
She gave him a look of sadness before quietly walking away.

People around Stiles's area were wearing those annoying masks of pity and apologeticness. Stiles ran his hands down his face and hoped that it was traffic that was keeping his (boyfriend?) from being here.
They had been talking for weeks and he had suggested that they meet up. Yet, as the minutes tick away, Stiles became more and more deflated in his chair.
He stood up and was about to exit his table when a tall man came and sat down next to him.
"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late, traffic so terrible and I was stuck under a bridge so I couldn't call." He leaned down to Stiles's ear and uttered, "just go with it, whoever stood you up was a dick and he doesn't deserve you, I'm Derek." The man allegedly named Derek said.
This made Stiles feel better, at least Derek cared. But who is Derek?
"And I'm Stiles." Stiles responded, deciding to see how this goes. It's like a blind date, his somber mood lifting.
The waitress decided to come back up to the table and handed out menus, "took you long enough." She chipped, looking a little coldly at Derek.
"Yeah, traffic was horrible, I felt awful and I didn't have service." He smiled over at Stiles before closing his menu and ordering.
Stiles himself ordered a steak and looked over at Derek and searching his features. He was extremely attractive with jet black hair, matching stubble, forest green eyes and a wicked smile.
Stiles's heart started to race the longer he looked at him.
It is impossible to fall in love in only spending five minutes with someone but in that moment if Derek proposed, he would say yes.
His gazing was cut off when Derek called after the waitress, "Hey I'm paying for the both of us, just a heads up." Stiles snapped his eyes up to Derek's, "no, I'm paying for ours, you saved me from complete humiliation, this is a thank you..." Stiles was at a loss for words when Derek's eyes met his, "you almost got stood up, this is a 'I'm sorry that happened' free meal. You won't get them often so enjoy it while you can."
Stiles felt a butterflies in his stomach, this guy seemed brilliant and Stiles wished that he knew more about Derek. A pit or dread killed the butterflies in Stiles's stomach, he ordered the steak and it wasn't cheap.
Derek cut off Stiles's thoughts, "tell me something about yourself." He flashed a genuine, breathtaking smile at Stiles, and Stiles wanted to faint. "I have an idea, let's play twenty questions!"

40 minutes later

"Favorite book trilogy?"
"Hmmm I Hunt Killers!"
"What's that about?"
"Serial killers."
"Of course it is."
"Okay Der, favorite subject when you were in school?"
Derek raised his eyebrows and smiled at Stiles, "actually, it was math. I understood it better than most people in my grade and it was fascinating to me."
"Hmm I took you for a history kind of guy." Stiles replied, smiling as well.
"Okay, my turn, least favorite color?"
Stiles scrunched his nose up in disgust as he answered, "yellow."
"Why yellow?" Derek laughed.
"Because it reminds me of pee."
"My turn again, favorite book?"
Derek looked down in thought for a bit before responding, "To kill a Mockingbird."

Stiles and Derek talked and laughed for another hour because deciding to call it a day.
When the bill came however Stiles would not let Derek pay for all of it and they ended up on splitting it 60/40. (Derek wouldn't let Stiles pay more than him.)They exchanged numbers sometimes during the night and we're currently chatting by Derek's car.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you so much for showing up. I swear the entire restaurant knew that my date didn't show up." Stiles spoke, clearing his throat.
"No, don't thank me, you are wonderful and amazing and I really hope you allow me to take you on a another date, this time intentional." Derek replied, his eyes staring right into Stiles's.
"Well I better go, I have a tub of ice cream to eat, even though I'm lactose intolerant." Stiles mumbled the last part but Derek still heard it as he laughed.
"I'll see you soon, Stiles." Derek held out his hand to shake. Stiles instead, ignored the hand and hugged Derek.
Derek froze for a second then slowly hugged Stiles back.
"Definitely, Der." Stiles muttered in his ear, then backed away and awkwardly jogged to his car while calling over his shoulder, "bye! It was lovely meeting you!"
Derek chuckled then shouted goodbye too, before getting into his car.

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