Merry Christmas Stiles!

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"Stiles... wake up." Derek gently tapped the sleeping man beside him, trying to wake him up.
"Stiles... it's Christmas, c'mon. Get up." The older man tried again to quietly wake Stiles up before grinning and getting on top of Stiles's sleeping form.
"Stiles! It's 7:00! We're wasting daylight! C'mon! It's Christmas morning and you are still asleep!" Derek tried again, this time enthusiastically.
Stiles groaned and tried to turn over but Derek held him still so he was face-up.
Derek grinned again in triumph and bent down to kiss Stiles excitedly.
"Agh, what- what time is it?" Stiles mumbled sleepily.
"7, I already told you that." Derek responded.
"Like 7 in the morning?" Stiles asked again.
"Okay, we don't have time for this, I love you babe, but Christmas is more important than sleep."
Derek said before literally dragging stiles out of the bed.
"I've made hot cocoa and the presents are ready downstairs for us to open." Derek called while picking Stiles up and carrying him down the stairs to the living room.
Derek set him down on a chair before disappearing into the kitchen only to come out bearing two steaming cups of cocoa.
"Geez Der, I didn't know you were so joyful on Christmas. If only you acted this way year round." Stiles chuckled. Seeming to have started to wake up now.
"Haha, hilarious. Now the pack wants to come over to do Christmas with them in a few hours. That's why I woke you up earlier so we had time to do Christmas together beforehand."
Stiles nodded along to Derek's game plan and sipped his cocoa.
"Okay, but you get to open a gift first Derek." Stiles uttered while getting up to fish under the tree to look for the one he wanted Derek to open first.
He sat a rectangle box with red and white stripes on Derek's lap before eagerly urging him to open it.
Derek ripped the box open and pulled out a black t-shirt.
"I am not wearing this Stiles."
"What? Why not? Just try it on, you may like it." Stiles said while grinning madly.
"I'm not going to wear it because the front of it says 'this is my gay shirt' surround by a circle rainbow."
"Just put it on, it may not even fi-" Stiles was cut off short when Derek took his shirt off to try the other shirt on.
Derek rolled his eyes but smiled at Stiles reaction.
"We've been living together almost a year, and dating for three years and you still aren't used to me?" Derek asked while pulling the other shirt over his head.
"I'm not used to your abs. And see that shirt looks amazing on you."
"I'll sleep in it."
"That's better than you throwing it away."
"I wouldn't throw away a present from you, no matter how bad it was." Derek breathed before walked over to the tree to dig out a present for Stiles.

They had made it through all of the presents they had gotten each other (which was quite a bit) and were cuddling on the couch with Derek still wearing his 'gay shirt' when Derek got up and disappeared up the stairs only to come back down a few minutes later in warmer clothes.
"C'mon go get dressed , we still have a few hours til Scott and the others get here, let's go play in the snow." Derek while pulling Stiles from the couch.
"Okay, Okay I'm going, I'm going. Chill Derek I'm getting dressed now Okay?" Stiles said as Derek was telling him to hurry.
The two rushed outside and almost immediately into the woods.
The woods was Derek's and now Stiles's favorite place.
They chased each other around for a bit and eventually ended up laying in the snow, under a beautiful willow tree, kissing and confessing their love for one another.
"Okay, let me up for a second. This seems like the perfect opportunity to do this and I can't chicken out." Derek said kinda nervously.
Stiles got off of Derek and stood up confused.
Derek stood up as well only to get down on one knee and pull out a small velvet box.
Stiles gasped and his face flushed red.
"Stiles, I love you so much, you literally saved me from my own demons, both mental and physical and I know I can't live without you."
Derek took a shaky breath as a few tears ran down his face.
"I don't want to have to think about life without you, and I want to be with you every day, I want to talk with you about everything, even if I'm not the most talkative person out there. You don't deserve me, but you're the only one that has ever been there for me. You have been there for me since the first day we met, even if we hated each other then. Mieczyslaw Stilinski, will you marry me?"
Stiles tried to wipe at the tears that were flowing down his cheeks and lunged at Derek, tackling him in a huge hug.
"Yes, YES! I would love to freakin marry you!" Stiles yelled.
Derek let out a huge he was holding and wrapped his arms around stiles tightly.
They stayed there, each clinging onto each other for dear life, for what seemed like hours. Totally forgetting about Scott and the others until Derek heard the cars pull up.

So this story might be a little confusing because I made Derek the little happy kid on Christmas and let me explain why. A: Derek proposed so he was excited and nervous about that. And B: I feel like Derek is the type of person to really love Christmas and be super happygolucky once a year and that day being Christmas.

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