Its a prison cell

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Stiles scoffed, "Well, this is a nice change of scenery."

Derek looked over at him and glared, "it's a prison cell."

"I was being sarcastic." Stiles turned to look at him and challenged, "you would know all about sarcasm, wouldn't you?" Stiles tried in a sickly sweet voice.

"Shut up babe." Derek sighed. His voice indicating that in all ways Derek Hale was done with life.

Stiles raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth, sarcasm dripping, "oh so now I'm babe again?"

Derek narrowed his eyes even farther as Stiles kept that look on his face that made Derek want to either smack or kiss him. "You never weren't babe. Look I don't know why you are mad at me. This-" Derek waved a hand around, "is your fault. Not that I'm pointing fingers or anything." Derek grumbled the last part. His voice barely audible.

Stiles didn't hear the last part being spoken but he narrowed his eyes just in case it was something offensive.

"Look I'm not the one that disappeared and then popped up on the police radar five days later and three states away just because you found a lead on a alpha pack that might have known your mother." Stiles finished, hands flailing the air.

Derek dropped his glare but ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, "I got a notification and needed to get there before they moved again."

"You didn't have to sNEAK OUT OF BED WITH ME AT 4 AM!" Stiles was full on flailing at this point.

"I didn't think it mattered." Derek grumbled. He dropped his head and looked down.

Stiles started to calm down but he wasn't done getting his point across, "and why wouldn't it have mattered? Did you think I wouldn't notice you not in bed?"

Derek's head dropped even lower and Stiles wasn't sure he heard him right, "I didn't think you cared." Derek apologized.

Derek finally lifted his head and looked stiles in the eyes, "no one has cared about me in a long time. And I guess I just don't think that anyone can care about someone like me."

Stiles crossed the cell and put his hands on the sides of Derek's face. "Derek. Don't you ever think that I don't care about you. I love you so much, so damn right I noticed when you weren't in bed with me. I was worried sick." Stiles leaned down and kissed Derek.

When they pulled away Derek rested his forehead on Stiles's and whispered, "but the whole jail cell thing is your fault."

Stiles pulled away jokingly and laughed, "and how is it my fault?"

""You're the one that got me caught!"

Stiles shook his head at Derek, "please, they already knew you where there, they were humoring you."

"They were not I'm as quiet as-"

The metal door creaked open followed by a voice, "alright, y'all can go." It was the guy that arrested him. And behind him was.... oh no. It was Scott's dad.

Scott's dad didn't say anything until after we were almost to the parking lot.

"So get this, i was passing by, just seeing if there was anything interesting or out of the ordinary in jail here and you would believe who I came across."

He paused and stiles got the idea he was waiting for a response. "Who?" Derek looked over at Stiles when he said this. Neither Derek nor Stiles like this guy. They both can't stand him, but when he busts you out of jail..... you can't necessarily be rude.

"Well it was the spazz and his werewolf bodyguard. And how did they end up in here do you wonder? They were caught arguing and lurking on private property! Imagine my surprise."

Stiles and Derek looked at each other and sighed. Stiles mumbled under his breath so lowly that almost Derek didn't catch it, "get ready to run to my car. We're about to ditch this asshole."

Stiles cleared his throat, "yeah so much surprise, look thanks for the bail. I owe you one, I really do. But we're gonna go."

"Go where? You guys don't have a car-" Mr.McCall turned, but they were gone. Not even a trace that either Stiles or Derek was there, just seconds ago.

"Derek put me down. I can run just find on my own." Stiles grumbled.

"Not nearly as fast as me, besides, I like holding you." Derek mumbled in Stiles's ear. Shivers shot down Stiles's spine.

Derek sat Stiles down and Stiles checked his surroundings. They were in the woods, in a clearing. It was quite romantic actually.

Derek must have thought the same thing because he pushed Stiles up against a tree and leaned down next to his ear, "I love you so much. I wouldn't be alive without you." Derek uttered, his breath hot against Stiles's neck.

Stiles chuckled, "please, you can hold your own." He wrapped his arms around Derek's neck and smiled.

"No I mean, I couldn't handle being alone that much longer. You saved me." Derek swooped down and kissed stiles, hard.

Stiles felt like he was floating. So many emotions were flooding through him he felt like exploding. But the most prominent one was joy.

In that moment, Stiles knew the world could have fell apart around them, and Stiles wouldn't even have noticed.

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