I am awesome

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Screams were all I heard. His screams. I had to find him. I had to find Derek.

I had gotten a text from Derek. I knew it wasn't really him, but that meant that he needed help. So using my awesome tracking skills, I traced his phone to this creepy abandoned building, which took about a week to do.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I could hear him. I knew immediately that it was him by his voice.
It held so much pain that my eyes watered.

Stop! No! We can't get distracted. Shaking my head of thoughts, I grabbed my gun and stealthily made my way into the building.

I let out a big breath of air, "Okay Stiles, you can do this. Save him. He saves you countless times. It's time to repay that asshole."

Giving myself a pep talk seemed to help.

I crept along a small hallway in the direction of Derek's mangled cries.

The yells died down as I approached a dirty window.

I stayed to the side of it and quickly looked over through the window.

There were four guys in the room. Two of them were squatted down in front of a chained up Derek and the other two were standing off to the side.

Derek looked awful, his eyes held horrible bags and dark circles and that was just a start.

His clothes had been ripped to where nothing was left. There was blood scattered all over his body and the floor near him.
Derek looked up at me for a brief second and immediately looked back away, if I didn't know better I would have thought he didn't see me.

'So if I shoot through the window at some of the guys I could take maybe two of them out before the others realize what's going on.' I thought .

Okay, that's a plan but who do I shoot first? The ones by Derek or the ones off to the side? If I shoot the ones off to the side then the others have to chance to do something to Derek.
I made up my mind and inhaled deeply.

"I love you so much Derek, you don't deserve a boyfriend with this much awesomeness." I mumbled before turning around in front of the window and shooting through it.

I hit two of the guys in the head and busted through the glass window, which I might add hurt like hell.

With my adrenaline pumping, I turned and shot the other two guys in the head.
They had hesitated on getting their guns, obviously shocked at seeing me.

"Take that bitches! Hell yeah! Admit it Derek, I'm amazing." I exclaimed before turning to look back at Derek.

"Oh my- here let me help you out of this." I fiddled with the lock on the chains until I heard a 'chink' and the lock fell to the ground.

I half dragged, half helped Derek walk back to my Jeep.
"There is probably more of them coming." Derek mumbled lowly under his breath. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, obviously he hadn't slept in the past few days.

"Well then we won't be here when they do get here. You can explain to me what happened when you wake, because you look like you've been through hell." I realized what I said and added a "oh right" afterwards. I looked over at him as I said that.

"Keep y-your eyes on the road." Derek uttered sleepily, his eyes half open and droopy.
"Shut up, sourwolf." I grinned at his annoyed moan in response.
Derek's eyes closed and just before he fell asleep I heard him whisper, "Yeah, my boyfriend is awesome."


So this one is wayyyy shorter than my others and I could have added more but I felt like it would have made it worse? Idk I may add more later. Thank you to anyone who reads, votes, or comments on my stuff! Love y'all!🖤

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