you guys are losers

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The halls of Midtown were filled with students. Andi made her way through the crowd, ignoring the eyes she knew were on her. Ever since Tony sent her to Midtown, she'd become victim to the curious eyes and suggestive remarks of the many young men that attended the school. The mere fact of it made her miss being homeschooled, but she had a job that needed to be done. She only wished she could do something about the annoyance, but she couldn't without revealing everything she worked so hard to keep hidden.

When Andi spotted Ned standing by his locker, which was, coincidentally, right beside her own, she hurried over to him. Contrary to what she originally believed about the mission Tony had given her, Andi quite liked Ned. He was annoying at times, but being homeschooled didn't allow her very many friends, so she took advantage of the ones Tony had indirectly given her. Ned liked all the same things Andi liked, which surprised him when he first befriended her, but nevertheless it made for a great friendship between the two of them.

"Hey, nerd," Andi greeted Ned as she opened up her locker.

Ned chuckled and closed his. "What's up?"

"Not much," Andi shrugged and grabbed her textbooks. One thing she absolutely hated about her mission was attending high school. She found that things were so much simpler when being homeschooled, but those days had so unfortunately ended for the blonde. "I'm just getting ready for yet another day locked up inside this hell they call school."

"Ain't that the truth."

Andi closed her locker and turned to Ned. "So, where's Parker?"

"Probably late as usual, but guess what?"

Andi and Ned began walking down the hall towards Peter's locker, in hopes that he would be there once they arrived. Although Peter was an excellent student as Andi had come to discover, he had a knack for disappearing or running late. Of course, Andi knew the reason why, but Ned had absolutely no idea. It was only smart that he remained out of the loop for the time being.

"What?" Andi replied, holding her books for first period close to her chest.

Ned removed a small figure from his pocket and held it up to Andi. It was a Lego piece she recognized as Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars series, a series the science-fiction enthusiast loved dearly.

"Emperor Palpatine wishes to build his new Death Star with you," Ned answered with a bad imitation of the Emperor's voice. Regardless of the bad imitation, however, Ned's words made Andi incredibly happy.

"Seriously?" Andi chimed happily, her brown eyes bright. This was one of the few things she loved about the mission. Having friends, especially friends she was comfortable being herself around, made her so incredibly happy. She remembered being so skeptical about Peter and Ned at first, simply because of who she was as a person, but after warming up to them, she'd come to learn the two were quite the lovable pair. She was glad she had the two in her life, despite how much they annoyed her on a day-to-day basis.

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