this is gonna change our lives

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Andi was on her phone. Ned, Peter, and May were lost in conversation, while she was lost in her phone screen. She knew it was rude, but she seemed to have no other choice. Not only was Ned being much more talkative than usual, but Tony was sending her instructions on how to be a better "supernanny." It was insulting to the blonde, really. Andi was not a nanny, and Peter was not as young as Tony continued to believe he was. He was almost a 16-year-old boy. No 16-year-old needed anyone to "nanny" them.

Andi let out a sigh and placed her phone back into her pocket. May had finally pulled up to Liz's house, which was just as extravagant as Andi expected it to be.

"House party in the suburbs," May chimed. "I remember these, I'm actually kind of jealous."

"It'll be a night to remember," Ned replied with a wide smile on his face.

May looked back at him and laughed. "Ned, some hats wear men, but you wear that hat."

"Thanks," Ned smiled. "It makes me feel confident."

"Bet it's not the only thing," Andi muttered, which only earned her a nudge from Ned.

"This is a mistake," Peter finally spoke up. "Let's just go home."

"I say we do it," Andi agreed with him.

May gave the two teenagers a look. "Look, I know it's really hard trying to fit in with all the changes your body is going through. It's flowering now."

Andi covered her mouth to keep from laughing out loud, just as Ned did beside her, while Peter only chuckled and nodded his head.

May turned around to look at Andi and Ned. "He's so stressed out lately."

"What helps with stress is going to a party," Ned suggested.

"Or going home and drowning yourself in a bucket of cookie dough," Andi added.

"That's so unhealthy, Andi," May told her.

Andi shrugged and sat back in her seat. "It helps, I'm serious."

"I'm just gonna do it," Peter unbuckled his seatbelt and opened up the car door.

Andi rolled her eyes at him but followed him and Ned out of the car. May bid them a goodbye and took off down the street, while the three of them began making their way towards the house.

"Dude, you have the suit, right?" Ned asked.

Peter nodded and showed him the suit hidden beneath his shirt.

"I can't believe you're forcing this on him," Andi said to Ned and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans. One reason she was glad neither one of them knew about her identity, more specifically, Ned, was because she didn't know how she would handle the situation happening at the moment. Peter and Andi were alike in some aspects, but regarding assertiveness and aggression, they weren't. Ned would've been lucky to see the sun the next day were he to pull with Andi what he was pulling with Peter.

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