keep up the good work, kid

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Monday came much too quickly. Andi was not at all in the mood for school, not only because she needed a break from the weekend, but because she needed a break altogether. She'd completed her mission, or most of it anyway, which meant she no longer needed to attend public school as had been expected of her, but she didn't want to leave school. She didn't have any friends while in homeschool, nor did she have Peter, so staying at Midtown was her only option. Not to mention, homeschool bored her to death, and with Midtown, she didn't know what to expect when she walked through the doors.

Andi made her way to her locker to retrieve her books for the day. Ned and Peter made an appearance shortly after, leaving a smile on the blonde's face.

"Hello, boys," she greeted the two of them.

Andi shut her locker and turned to look at them. Ned had a rather excited expression on his face, as usual, while Peter looked happy and bored at the same time.

"How are you feeling?" Peter asked her.

Andi shrugged and started down the hallway with them. "I've got a dull pain in my chest region, but other than that I'm okay."

"I can't believe it," Ned breathed out. "You two are just...iconic."

"Alright, Ned."

"The dream team, the power couple," Ned continued.

"We'll talk about it later, Ned."

"It just—it looked so insane," Ned ignored the two. "That whole—like, it was just crazy. He was just like 'pow pow' and you were just like 'Ah!' and the I just hit 'em with the 'Whoosh!'"

"Ned, be quiet."

"It was so..oh my god."

"I mean, you saved me," Peter told him.

Ned gave Peter a clap on the back, and the three stopped once they noticed Liz at the end of the hall. She was crying, likely due to the events of the weekend, but that was to be expected. Her whole world changed overnight. None of them could blame her, not even Andi.

Peter looked over to Andi, and she nodded her head. He ran off, calling Liz's name as he did so. Andi remained with Ned, who was more than curious about her personal life with Peter and the fight the two had gotten into over the weekend.

"So, I heard you had to fight Liz's dad off in nothing but your homecoming dress," Ned said with a smirk on his face. "That's pretty badass, y'know?"

Andi raised a brow and leaned against a locker. "That is very true, but it is also why I succumbed to more injuries than Peter did. A dress doesn't really provide much bodily protection. I didn't even have shoes on, because running in heels is hard enough, and I did not need to experience crawling around the outside of a plane with them on."

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