tired of babysitting?

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The day was going by particularly slowly. Winning the decathlon had wore the team out, though it was not enough to keep them from wanting to explore the many attractions DC had to offer. The team decided to take a small field trip to the Washington Monument, something of which captured the attention of the entire team apart from two members—Andi and Michelle.

Andi remained on the ground with Michelle, her attention on the science textbook in her lap. The rest of the group had gone up into the monument, but after the conclusion of the decathlon, Andi lost any motivation to do anything except sit and watch as her friends indulged in the numerous historical wonders the nation's Capitol had to offer.

In reality, the young girl was worried. She was worried about Peter. There was no doubt in her mind that he'd gotten himself into some kind of trouble. She had no clue where he was, nor did Ned. She'd been informed that he not only hacked into the very intricate systems of his suit, but he also removed the suit's tracker just before she left to go swimming with the rest of the group. Looking back on the situation, she figured she should have remained with the two boys, but it was too late for her to turn back. Peter would show up sooner or later, and when he did, she would be there to scold him for whatever venture he decided to go on.

Several moments passed by. Andi was reading her science textbook diligently when the familiar tingling sensation in the back of her neck startled her. Her attention was quickly averted toward the top of the monument, where debris was dropping down. Andi could see where the concrete had split, which only further startled her. She wondered what was going on. She wondered just how much danger her friends were in, but she could find no answer to her questions, nor could she find the time to react to the situation.

The familiar red and blue of what she knew to be Peter's suit could be seen in her peripheral, and she turned to look at him immediately, her brown eyes wide. She could hear him speaking, most likely to the AI Tony had installed in his suit. Thankfully, he was within a distance in which Michelle could not make out his voice.

"What the hell is going on?" Andi questioned with a startled tone.

Peter only glanced at her, but could not respond before Michelle spoke.

"Our friends are up there!" she exclaimed.

"What?" A surprised Peter looked over to Michelle. "Uh, don't worry, ma'am. Everything's gonna be okay."

Peter ran off, leaving the two girls to stare after him. Andi let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through her hair. She was scared, scared for the lives of her friends, and while she knew Peter was capable of handling the situation himself, she couldn't just leave him to do so. She had a duty to fulfill, and that duty not only included watching over Peter himself, but watching over and protecting the humans around her.

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