series of unfortunate events

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The two arrived to catch the ferry a bit late, which left them gliding through the air in order to land safely among the craft. Once Andi successfully attached herself to the back of the ship, she began the crawl up and towards the passenger windows with Peter following her lead. She looked into one of the windows, careful not to be seen, searching around for one of her and Peter's men. Once she spotted one of them, she began her work. He was talking on the phone, but she could not make out what he was talking about, though she was quick to change that.

"Alright, Jace," Andi spoke to her AI. "Activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode."

"No problem, Andi."

"He's up front, main deck," Andi heard a man on the other line of the phone say.

"I hate this guy," Peter said, attracting Andi's attention. "It's the guy from the bridge, right? Who's the other guy?"

Andi shrugged and continued listening to the man from the bridge.

"Just keep me posted."

The man she'd been watching got up and walked away. Andi crawled away from the window and up towards the deck, while Peter lingered behind her. She crawled to the opposite side of the ship and looked down onto the lower deck. There were three men, one leaning nonchalantly against a pole, while the other two kept watch. Jace gave her the pole man's identity, while Karen provided it to Peter.

"He has an extensive criminal record, including homicide," Jace informed her.

Andi cringed and shook her head. She couldn't stand just how cruel people could be. These people were the reason she did what she did in the first place, and while she was thankful for the opportunity to defend people, she sometimes wished there weren't people in the world who fed her responsibility to do so.

The man from the window approached the group of men.

"White pickup truck."

"Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck," Andi heard Peter say before turning to look at her. "We've got the weapons, buyers, and sellers in one place."

Andi smiled and opened up her mouth to respond until Peter began panicking. Her enhanced reconnaissance mode remained on, which gave her insight as to what was happening. Tony was calling him.

"Mr. Parker," Tony greeted the boy. "Got a sec?"

Peter looked to Andi for help, but Andi could only shrug. She couldn't help him. All she could do was be glad she was not in his position.

"Uh, actually I'm at school."

"No, you're not," Karen said, though Tony did not hear her.

"Nice work in DC."

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