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It was way too early in the morning. All Andi could think about doing was sleeping, but she couldn't because of school and the incessantness of Tony Stark. He'd kept her up all night with texts regarding Peter's ventures the previous day—the ventures she hadn't kept watch on due to her necessary need to build a Lego Death Star with one of her friends, which they now had to rebuild.

Tony was unhappy with Andi, though. He was unhappy because she hadn't been present when Peter decided to blow up a bank and Delmar's Subs. The news upset her, not because she cared what Tony thought of her at three in the morning, but because Delmar's was so dear to her heart. His sandwiches were everything, and if she could, she would use every last bit of her money to purchase unlimited sandwiches. That was not an option anymore, however, as Delmar's was no more. She could only blame the ATM robbers Peter tried to put a stop to. It was the only reason she wished she'd been present.

Andi yawned and rubbed her eyes, once again ignoring the vibration in her pocket. Ned and Peter were talking with one another. Well, Ned was asking a bunch of questions, to which Peter was reluctantly answering. Andi couldn't care less about the conversation, though. All she cared about was finishing up the school day, looking after Peter, and going back to sleep.

"The spider's dead, Ned."

Andi could practically feel Ned's mood shift, and she chuckled under her breath. She stopped, though, when she took notice of the mess in front of her. Police officers, Andi assumed, were running around the area in front of Delmar's, while civilians watched on in curiosity. The building had been destroyed, leaving debris all over the ground. Andi hadn't known it looked as bad as it did. The ATM across the street looked just as terrible, and it was now she knew why Tony was on her ass about it.

As fate would have it, Andi's phone rang inside her pocket. She groaned and pulled it out, pressing the device to her ear without even bothering to check the caller I.D. It wasn't as if she needed to anyway. The same person had been trying to get ahold of her since three in the morning, and she doubted he would be giving up any time soon.

"Hello?" Andi answered the phone and strolled away from her friends. She couldn't risk Peter hearing Tony and recognizing the voice.

"It's about time you answered me," Tony chastised Andi. "I've been trying to reach you since three in the morning."

Andi rolled her eyes and leaned up against the wall of a random building, her eyes on Peter and Ned. "Believe me, I know. You're the reason I'm so exhausted."

"And here I figured the reason behind your exhaustion would stem from the fight you put up to help prevent Parker from laying waste to an entire block, but that's obviously not what happened, now is it?" Tony remarked.


"And why not?"

"My friend asked me to build a Lego Death Star with him, and so that was what I did," Andi answered him.

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