she looks pretty cool

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Andi took a deep breath and opened up her eyes. She was standing in front of the body-length mirror in Peter's bathroom, studying her appearance with wide brown eyes. May had just helped her finish getting ready for the homecoming dance, and Andi was actually in awe with her appearance. She was never one to actually make an every day attempt to look drop-dead gorgeous like majority of the girls she went to school with, and while she originally wanted to spend the night half-assing her appearance in the comfort of the Avengers Tower, May had been too excited about the opportunity to help her get ready.

May and Andi had gone dress shopping earlier on in the week, which was definitely not as much fun for Andi as it was for May. Andi hated wearing dresses and always had, but as she stood staring at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but love the dress May helped her pick out.

The dress was a black two-piece with floral and lace detailing. It wasn't too girly for Andi, which comforted her tremendously. She wore a pair of black heels to complete the look, along with a pair simple black earrings. Half of her long, blonde hair was tied to the back, while the rest remained in elegant waves over her shoulders. Her makeup was simple; all she needed was a bit of mascara and eyeshadow to accent her long lashes and beautiful brown eyes, as well as a bit of red lipstick to correspond with the red floral pattern of her dress. She looked beautiful. She felt beautiful.

"You look absolutely amazing," May squealed and clapped her hands together, obviously happy with her work.

Andi grinned and glanced over at her. "It's all thanks to you," she chuckled.

"I just really can't believe you and Peter aren't going together," May frowned. "I love Liz. I think she's absolutely fantastic and such a good friend to Peter, but I know how he feels about you, and I know how you feel about him, Andi."

"I never doubted that you did know," Andi said quietly. She was a pro at hiding her feelings, but May was smart and observant and knew her nephew better than anyone did. It was probably very difficult for her to miss the chemistry the two shared with one another, Andi thought. "But it's just homecoming. There's always next year, I guess."

May smiled and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Andi's ear. "I know, but it just would've been so cool for Peter to attend homecoming with the girl he loves."

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that," Andi laughed quietly to herself. The thought of Peter's feelings for her reaching to such an extent was ridiculous in Andi's opinion. The two were so young, and the concept of love was still so new to them, especially for Andi. She knew she cared about Peter, she knew she cared about Peter more than she cared about anyone, but she wasn't sure if she could call it love, though a part of her wanted to.

May picked up the lipstick she used on Andi and opened it up to apply just a bit more. "I would, really, I would. He might only be fifteen and still discovering himself as a person and a male, but love is just something that's hard to miss, Andi. He doesn't know it yet because he's so young, which is understandable, but he does love you, and I know you love him. I can see it in both your eyes."

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