Chapter 15~ "It's not your time"

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"Over here!" I hear someone yell, I feel my body being lifted off of the ground.

"Please help her!" I hear another voice.

"Charlie, I promise you will make it through this. I have to go now. I have to help the others. I love you." Steve says.

I whisper out a last "I love you" and my hearing goes silent.


*Steve's POV*

I heard her breathe out her last 'I love you' and I ran out of the station. Every inch of me wanted to break down and cry, but I couldn't. How am I gonna tell Tony that his daughter is dying? How will he react? I run all the way to Stark Tower, and help the others take Loki and these creatures down. But unfortunately we have another problem. There is a missile being launched to take down this whole city.

*Third Person POV*

Tony decided that he's going to fly up there, and get it far away from the city as he possibly can. Even if he has to take it into the worm hole, and he did. He told Steve over his comm to tell Charlie that he loved her, and asked JARVIS to call Pepper. But unfortunately, she didn't answer, and little did he know that his only daughter was dying, or could possibly be dead. He went into the worm hole, and the missile blew up, and the portal began to close. Steve and everyone else was waiting for Tony, but nothing. Suddenly they see something falling from the sky, and it was Tony. No one noticed that Charlie was missing, they all thought she was helping the civilians, well except Steve. Tony fell to the ground with a loud clank, and they all thought he was dead. But Hulk screamed in his face, and Tony jolted awake. "Have you ever tried Shawarma.... I don't know what it is... But I wanna try it." He looks around for a minute, "Where's my daughter?" He says sitting up a little. Steve looks at Tony, and Tony looks back at him.
"She.... She got hit... By one of those spear things...." Steve says looking down.
"What!? How? Why!" Tony says standing up.

"A little boy was about to be shot, but.. she jumped in front of him.." Steve says with a tear going down his face. Tony didn't know how to feel, he felt like it was Steve's fault, but also his. Tony looks up at Steve, "Is she alive?" Tony asks. Steve looks down at the ground, "Tell me the truth Steve!" Tony yells. "I-I'm not sure... I don't know where the paramedics took her."

"JARVIS find Charlie. Find out anything you can about her where abouts ,now!" Tony says. Everyone else stands around not knowing what to do, and seconds later JARVIS starts to talk to Tony.

"Sir, they have rushed her to the hospital east of Queens." JARVIS says.

"Thanks." He says and Tony gets ready to fly off, "Wait. Let me go with you." Steve says. Tony rolls his eyes and picked him up, and they both head to the hospital.

*Tony's POV*

I grab Steve and were off. All I could think about was Charlie. On how I could have prevented her from coming, or how I could have put her with Hawkeye. Tears began to stream down my face, I have lost so many people in the past, but Charlie is my daughter! Since I found out about her, she's been my number one priority. Even when she thought I was "to busy with work" to pay attention to her, I always kept an eye on her. I just can't believe Steve let this happen.

*Third person POV*

"Hurry! Grab the oxygen mask and hook her up to it!" The room Charlie was in was crowded, and the doctors running around like crazy. She was loosing a lot a blood, "She needs a blood transfusion!" One of them says, another says. "She's going into Hypovolemic shock!" "Put pressure on it!"

Tony and Steve finally arrive at the hospital, and Tony gets out of his suit and they both run inside.

"Ma'am can you please tell me where Charlotte Stark is at?" Tony says.

"She's in isolation right now. No visitors." She says. Steve looks up at her, "Well could you at least yell is what kind of state she's in?"

"She's going into Hypovolemic shock, and needs a blood transfusion ASAP. Are either of you family members that have the same blood type?" She asks

"I'm her father."

"Okay ,follow me and hurry."
The nurse takes both of their blood.

"His blood type is the same as hers." The nurse says pointing at Steve, "so I'm going to rush this back there and see if it will help." She runs through the swinging doors,

"I hope this works. I can't lose Charlie. She's my only family." Tony says with tears streaming down his face.

"She'll make it Tony. She's a fighter." Steve says. Steve sits there for a moment and thinks about his blood type, and how he has the super soldier serum in his blood stream. "Uh Tony?" Steve says.

"What?" Tony says wiping his tears away.

"My blood has super soldier serum in it... Won't that affect Charlie? And make her a super soldier?" He says and Tony looks at him.

"It-It shouldn't.."

*Charlie's POV*

All I can see is black, but in those few moments my mom walks up to me.
"Mom?" I say and start walking towards her.

"Hi sweetie." She says and hugs me. I look up at her and realize I think I'm dead. "Am...Am I dead?"

"It's not your time t, honey. Your father needs you. Steve needs you. The world needs you. I want you to know that I love you so much." And with that she disappeared, and I open my eyes.

"She's conscious!" Someone yells. I try to open my eyes, but it's far to bright.
"Its a miracle!"someone else says.
"Get me the anesthesia, so we can stitch her up." After he says that, I feel a pinch in my arm, and the world goes black again.
Word Count:1,075
Okay, I couldn't kill off the main character. Next chapter either will be up tonight or tomorrow. I don't think this was the best chapter.... But thanks for reading! This book will probably have 2 more chapters!

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