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Y/n pov
I was walking home and open the door "I'm home!?" I said....but nobody answered...'that's weird' i thought and check every area but saw nothing "mom and dad never leave the house though" i whispered with confused on my voice "where they could be?" I was started to have heartache even though they hurted me or hatred me i still cared for them. I started to get worried and just go to my bed 'maybe they just go to a party' i thought and walked to my room, but before i could entry to my room i felt a thing hit my head hard making me knockout on the floor...
~tem skip~
I woke up in my bed not injured, i touch my whole body to check if there is no wounds on me, but to find nothing. I got up and change my clothes and exit my room but when i was out i couldn't see mom neither dad "mom?!...dad?!" I said in concerned. It's been 12 hours of finding them until a knock from my door i open it saw two police mans "are you y/n?" The first police said, i nodded "we're gonna tell something to you but please don't get sad" the second one said, i nodded "we're sort for you're lose" "we found you dad and mom on the forest shattered in to pieces dead " after hearing Dead i nodded and close the door and locked it as i fell on my knees 'w-why....n-no...this sho-shouldn't...happen...i-i-' i was cut off my thoughts when i saw a white thing appeared on my surroundings even the floor turned white but turned to normal as i heard the telephone rings, i got up to my knees and picked it up "hello?" "Y/n are you there?" Lucas said "yeah" i answered "are you okay?!" Lucas said 'too much worried' i thought over Lucas (cause I'm too concerned on you reader!!) "I'm fine" i answered "wait! I'll be there in mins." She said as he put the phone down, i put the phone down to until i saw Lucas was in front of me and hugged me "i was so concerned.. About you y/n" Lucas said "of what?" I thought that you are in the accident last night cause i saw you're mother and father dead...i-i *sniff* i thought you-you we-we're d-dead so i couldn't sleep last night j-just to think about you" Lucas said with tears on here eyes, you putted you hand on Lucas back and slowly pat it "shh..don't worry Lucas I'm fine...I'm fine"you said "i-i'll be r-regretting my l-life if i e-ever lo-lose you...and i won't let that happen"Lucas said hugging me tightly "i don't wanna let go" Lucas said "shh...it's okay Lucas it's okay" you said but you started to feel like somebody was watching you but you ignored it.

Error pov
'pfft...that trashbag! How dare she hug my flower' i said in my brain with hatred "i must KILL him, how dare she hug y/n" i teleported to the anti-void and go to my puppet room and make a lucas puppet and y/n puppet "lucas...you'll pay" as i burn the lucas puppet and keep the y/n puppet on my pocket "Lucas... You should be ready"

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