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Y/n p.o.v
           The school bell finally rangs as all students left the classroom "hey! Y/n?!" Said ken walking towards my desk "hi ken what is It?" I asked "nah just nothing wanna come with me on the cafeteria with sis?" "Sure just for a sec let me put my notebooks and pen underneath my desk" I said putting my stuff underneath the desk "finish! Now can we go?!" I ask, ken nodded as we walked off the classroom seeing Lucas on the front door waiting
"Heh howdy y/n didn't know that three of us is in a same classroom" said Lucas cheerfully "wait how did you get on the front door?" I asked Lucas curious about 'who did she get in the front door' "well did you just forgot that I MUSTARD the SHORT - cuts?" Lucas said with a winky face, I then laugh of what puns she said but seems ken burst out of it laughing loudly as Lucas just giggled. After a while of laugh we both catching our breathe because of the laugh "so we shall go to the cafeteria" said Lucas grabbing ken and my shoulder, I blinked as we already on the cafeteria "h-how?!" I asked confuse "welp! It's teleportation" said Lucas and another winky face "i'll choose our seat" said ken as he walk off to find our seat "wanna come with me y/n?" Lucas ask, you nodded and follow lucas.
~ later cause I'm put of Ideas ~
After me and Lucas got our food, I was holding my f/f in a tray while Lucas was carrying ken and his food. After while we we're walking we saw ken waving at us "that must be our seat" I agree as me and lucas rushed to our seat as we both sat down "here ken" said Lucas giving ken his food on a tray. while we we're eating I felt a presence on the distance but at the same time it vanished instantlily 'hmm...weird' I then pay my attention on what I am eating "so...how old are you y/n?" Ken asked me "oh my old well I'm 14 (a/n: sorry reader if I'm making you 14 if that is not your age just change the 14 to your age) how about you ken?" You ask "heh..I'm 17" "you Lucas I never knew your age yet?"

Lucas p.o.v
               "You Lucas I never knew your age yet?" Ken asked me, I then stop Spipping my juice "I'm 19 though? And do you wanna know!?" I said confuse "nah just n-" ken was cut off when a three sharp bones appeared on my sight same on ken "l-lucas!?" Said y/n as she rushed on me but before she could touch me I snapped my finger making y/n teleport faw away to us as then the sharp bones attacked me and ken I dodge the first bone but the second hitted my right shoulder and the third one hitted my chest not on the soul but good to ken he dodge it all. i then coughed with blood as the blood came out my mouth "s-sis!?!" Ken shouted as he rushed on me "y-your b-bleeding!! I-i'll get y-you home!?!"said ken as one of the other student walked to us "um..excuse me your subjects in class ms. Lucas is suspended for you and you to Mr.ken and ms. Y/n " said the girl "okay now we should go home so dust will know this!?" Said y/n as I grabbed them two and teleport after the teleport I coughed in blood again and fell on my arms and knees but ken caught me "you shouldn't use your teleportion sis" ken said as y/n knocked on the door. My vision started to get darker and blurry as I passout.

Dust p.o.v
             I was on the kitchen cooking Lucas favorite food and y/n's f/f  "they should be home right now" I said as I heard a knock on the door "wai-" "quickly dust!!! Lucas is bleeding!!" 'Wait!?! What??! Lucas!?!' I then quickly teleport on the door and opened it to see y/n and a boy helping Lucas to get up but seems Lucas is looking passout and her blood is getting bad "quickly get in!!" I said in a hurry tone as they get in, I shut the door and grabbed Lucas "w-what happen to him!?" I said In a very concern tone "t-there's three sharp bones appeared infront of ken and lucas, ken basically dodge it easily but Lucas just dodge the first but the second and third hit him hardly!" Said y/n "okay you two just relax on the couch I'm going to heal Lucas" I said to them as they both nodded, and I then teleported on my room and put Lucas on my bed slowly not wanting his wounds get bigger because of me, I then quickly get some aid kit and quickly teleported on Lucas "whoa! Brother don't get too much hurry" said paps "b-but l-lucas" "sans...I...*signs* just be careful sans you don't need to be too much rushed on you you might even hurt Lucas badly because your are to much like...you have a heartache...sans take it easy I bet Lucas is stronger she'll fight the pain don't get too rushy sans okay brother?" Said paps, I nodded and put the medkit next to the table as I slowly put the bones away to Lucas, but first i grabbed the bone on Lucas shoulder slowly not wanting Lucas to jolted in pain but I failed I made Lucas shouted in pain "AHHH!!! It h-hurts!!" Said Lucas as tears streaming down his face I then sat on his lap and looked at his face "sshh..it's going to be alright my flower" I said as I used my thumb to wipe the tears from his face and kissed his right cheek as I slowly again grabbed the bone from his on his shoulder as Lucas starts to groan in pain as then I forcefully pull the bone out of Lucas shoulder as she shouted in pain I quickly throw the bone away and rushed Lucas and hugged him "i-i'm sorry my flower sshh don't worry i-i p-promise after this i-i'm gonna give y-ya your f-favourite i-ice cream" I did as Lucas cry and hugged me back making the bone go towards his back I then quickly pull it out of Lucas back as Lucas coughed on my T-shirt 'good thing I didn't wear my jacket' I then throw the bone away and grabbed some bandage but before I could for that i looked at lucas HP.

{HP  2/95} 

I then grabbed the medkit using my magic while Lucas is passed out again on my chest, once I finally grabbed it I then let go of Lucas and slowly once again put lucas on the bed and I then opened the med kit and grab some bandage, big bandage's. I then grabbed Lucas headphone and put it on the table, I put one big bandage on Lucas shoulder and one on Lucas chest.
after of putting bandage's on Lucas wounds I snapped my fingers changing Lucas clothes into a white sleeveless t-shirt and my shirt
As I picked lucas blooded dress as i felt a metal touch my boney hand, it was a white heart-locket that I gave it to him I then put the bloody clothes on my dirty clothes and put the necklace back on Lucas and let her slept on my bed as I exited the room quietly not wanting him to woke up or disturb my sweetie on his beautiful sleep though but be for i could exit I kissed his check and leave. I then slowly shut the door and walked down stairs "is my sister fine!?" The boy asked in a worried tone "don't worry she's fine she just need to get some rest..and for a second i need to ask you a few question kid in a private place".

to be continue....

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