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  • Dedicated to Mr. Band Director and Ms. Band Director

Sadness has overcome the citizens of Band-Hall-Landia. The rulers Mr. Band Director and Ms. Band Director sadly will not be returning next year. Their contracts were sadly not renewed this year. We will miss them greatly.

We were in the middle of band class yesterday. We had just finished playing our favorite song, and Mr. Band Director and Ms. Band Director were standing in the front of the room. Mr. BD then sighed then gave this big speech about how far we've come from the little puny 7th graders playing stand tunes to the big,scary almost 8th graders who can play 16th notes. (everybody! :D yay!)

We then knew that he was:


2.Getting Fired


We weren't surprised when he said, "Guys, I'm not going to be here next year."

Everybody got upset and started to get worried.

THEN THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENED. Ms. Band Director then started to tear up, then just blurted it out. "I'm not going to be here next year either." I'm not going to go into more detail because I don't wanna start crying again. Every girl in band burst out crying.

Mr. Band Director told us that he actually didn't hate us as much as he expected to. He was looking at percussion....

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