Chapter 10 - Fun

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Chapter 10

Cassandra’s POV

“I had fun tonight” I tell him, as we exited the car, and I was just a few meters away from the front door. To be honest, I didn’t want this day to end..It was actually the most fun I’ve had.

“Me too, thanks for tonight.” He gives me that dimpled smile that I have grown to adore.

“No problem.” I bring my lip in-between my teeth, and shifted uncomfortably on the balls of my feet.

“Let me walk you.” He says, and we walk slowly side by side. As soon as I reached the front mat, he was just a couple steps down on the stairs.

“I guess I should go…”

“Yeah, goodnight.” I grin, and abruptly he inches closer to me, and before I could see what he was doing, I felt a pair of muscular arms being wrapped around my shoulders. He’s hugging me. My cheek was pressed against his warm t-shirt, thawing me.

“Goodnight Cassie.” He draws himself away from me, and I was tempted to crash my lips onto his as his gaze shifted onto mine. It just felt so right too….But I couldn’t. No, I shouldn’t even be thinking about this. I watched as he turned away, and hid his hands in the pockets of his pants as he walked back to his car. He glanced back, flashing me one last smile, and I turned to open the door.

“Where did you go?” My mother’s voice startles me, and I see her lying on the couch with a book on her lap.

“Uhm.. I just went out.” I shrug, beginning my way upstairs.

“Where?” I could hear the curiosity through her voice.

“Just went bowling with a friend.” I spare the details, and I’m glad as I made my way upstairs with no more further questions to be asked.

“You and that Harry boy are getting pretty close, huh?” I hear Mike’s voice from behind. I see him with his arms crossed across his chest.

“No, for the last time, we aren’t dating. I’m not even interested in him.” I try to sound convincing even though the last part was difficult for me to say. Was I interested in him?

“I saw you two hugging. Are you sure you’re not hiding anything from me?” He cocks a brow, and I restrain myself from rolling my orbs at him.

“Yes.” I sigh, and pushed the door open into my room.

“Good.” He says louder than an inside voice but yet still quieter than a shout.

I remove the clothes from my body, and pulled a tank top over my head along with some pajama shorts, and crawled safely into bed. I turn off my lamp, and spent most of my night tossing and turning around uncomfortably on my sheets. I also found myself switching the sides of my pillows, to get the colder side for my head to lie on, was that strange? I let out a frustrated sigh, as I couldn’t get myself to sleep. I look over onto my bedside table and see the clock flashing one thirty two am. Great, I’ve been doing this for about two hours. I suddenly heard my phone vibrate, and I look over to see Harry’s name flashing across the screen. What was he doing awake so late? Should I answer? Or should I just call back in the morning? Part of me was eager to answer, so I could just find out what he wants but the other half wanted me to call him back later because it would look like I’m less clingy. Right? The vibrating stopped, and a shorter vibrate came across, this time notifying me it was a text message. ‘Please call me back Cassandra, asap’ It read. What does he want? It’s almost two in the morning, what could be so important. Curiosity washed over me, and I quickly went to missed calls, my thumb tapping his name. After about two rings, his raspy voice spoke..

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