Chapter 8 - Spill

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Chapter 8

Cassandra's POV

I wake up with my head being tucked under his chin, and I felt my stomach rumble with hunger. God, I'm starving. What time is it? I hope my mom's finished with dinner, how long did we even sleep? I try to remove his arm being draped over my waist. I push him off of me carefully, and he groans into the pillow.

"What time is it?" His voice is raspy, making him a hundred times hotter.

"Uhmm.. I'm not sure." I wrap the blanket around myself, taking it with me, and making my way to my dresser. I unlock my phone and see that it's five in the morning. What?! How?!

"Come back with the blanket! I'm cold." He whines, and I playfully smack him on the forehead.

"It's five in the morning!" I whisper loudly into his ear. Did my mom not wake me up?

"Okay." He says, and I return to the bed, and he immediately, grabs the blanket, pulling it over his head.

"I think I'm going to go downstairs, I'm starving." I tell him, and I leave after he doesn't reply.

I walk down the stairs and see the kitchen light already turned on, who's there? I turn the corner, already seeing my mom, drinking a cup of coffee, and reading a magazine.

"Morning, I see you're up early." She takes a sip, and looks up at me for a brief moment before continuing flipping through the pages.

"Yeah.. uhm.. I slept pretty early yesterday." I tell her. "Why didn't you wake me up for dinner?" I ask, and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Listen honey, I'd love to talk but my shift starts at six thirty." She rushes, rinsing the cup.

"Wait mom, it's only five, you can leave at six." I make a point. "Did you not make dinner last night or...?"

She sighs before speaking, "I did, it's in the fridge, but I should tell you something..." She trails off. I look confusedly at her and she begins speaking, "Well... I'm seeing someone, and he came by last night, asking if I wanted to go out with him for dinner. So I went up and checked on you, and you were sleeping. So I then packed up the stuff I made for dinner, and went out. Then when I came home, you were still sleeping, so I was glad." She explains, and I can see a hint of rose color creeping onto her cheeks. My mom likes someone? What? How'd they meet?

"How long have you been seeing him?" I ask, and she bites her lower lip nervously, now it seems like I'm the mother and she's the daughter that's in trouble. I can't believe she wouldn't tell me! Did Mike know? Without meeting the man she's been seeing, I hate him already.

"About three months.." She fiddles with her fingers.

"What?! And you didn't even tell us!" I shout at her.

"I know.. I'm sorry. It's just that with your dad and everything..." Her eyes seemed to be getting glossy. "I didn't know how you guys would handle it. Especially Mike, he loves your dad. I don't think he'll be quite fond of this."

"I wasn't even that close to dad and I'm already not liking this." I huff, crossing my arms across my chest. "I wonder how Mike would feel." I mutter.

"Look, I really like this man. His names Nicholas, if you could just give him a chance.. Maybe I'll invite him---"

"No, mom, I don't want to meet him. He is not part of this family. I don't want him to be." I sounded a tad harsh, but I couldn't care less. She kept this from me, I deserved the right to know.. if I didn't come down here, when would she would of told me? A month later? One year later?

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