Chapter 24 - Confessions (2)

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Chapter 24

Cassandra's POV

I walked along the dock, the morning sun just begun to rise from the ground as it painted the sky mighty colors of red and orange and splashed the clouds with endless rays of pink. The sky was bright and intriguing, as it made it more inviting for me to stare at the horizon.

I crossed my arms across my chest, as I swung my leg over the edge, dangling them. I let out a sigh, but this time it was a calming one not the usual frustrated kind. I watched as the morning sun shined against the light blue colored sea, and stared at it for a vast amount of time. I stared as the sun rays shined against it, making the ocean sparkling. The water crippled and glimmered beautifully, as multiple colors reflected off the crystal like sea, soothing me.

"Morning person, huh?" A voice startled me, and I turned around to see a smirking Harry.

It's been a week since the 'incident' happened, and I haven't questioned him since. Every time I look at him, I couldn't help it but imagine him with black eyes. It frightened me a little, that's probably the main reason why I never brought it up.

"Yeah." I sighed, continuing my gaze.

I listened as his footsteps neared me, and then in one brief moment, he swung his legs over the edge. He leaned back, his forearms flexing as he kept his upper body up.

"How'd you find me?" I spoke into the soft silence that surrounded us.

"I was out for a morning run and saw you here." He says, and I took a closer look at him, seeing him in shorts and a tank top. The sleeveless material, revealed more of his tattoos, I haven't noticed them in awhile I kind of forgot that he had so many. I couldn't stop but stare endlessly at the artwork done all over his arms. I wonder if he had any on his leg..

"Are you finished staring?" I could hear the smirk through his voice, and I quickly look away before I embarrass myself even more. "Let's go for a walk." He says, standing up.

"I'm good here." I shrug, looking at the horizon. I didn't mean to sound so cold, I guess it just kind of happened.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yes." I respond, not looking at him.

"Let's go somewhere, please." He practically begs, but I shake my head.

"Not until you explain." I command, looking at him right in the eye. "I didn't bring it up at all because I thought you would be annoyed but.. I can't stop thinking about it." I sigh, wanting to pull my hair. "I'm just so frustrated and confused." I shake my head, looking at the water. "I know you told me the story... but I just I need more. I don't get it, I have so many unanswered questions and I know you hate them but if I decide to spend time with you, don't you think I deserve to know you? The real you.." I tell him, making a point.

"Yes." He sighs. "And I didn't tell you the story. I mean I did, but not all of it." He says, running his hands through his hair. "Let's go somewhere please Cassie." He says, wrapping his fingers around my wrist.

"Okay." I sigh, following him.


I look around the unfamiliar area, and noticed that the sun was shining brightly down on us but luckily we were sitting underneath a tree, located on top of a hill. It was so deserted here, but still so beautiful.

"Do you recognize this place?" He asks, picking at the grass.

"No, why?" I ask, running my palms across the soft, freshly cut grass. It wasn't prickly like my front lawn.

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