Chapter 26 - Feelings

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Chapter 26


Harry's POV

I stood outside as the rain pattered heavily against the pavement, soaking my clothes. My hair was now disheveled on top of my head, as the curls were falling forward.

I stared blankly at her house, still deciphering if I should enter or not.

If I don't, he'll know.

If I do, I have to go through with it.

Pros of going in:

I won't have to deal with Alex

There'll be no consequences whatsoever

I won't have to risk anything

Cons of going in:

I'll have to hurt her

Possibly be taking away her innocence..

I let out a heavy sigh, the pros out weighing the cons, but to be completely honest.. Hurting her is the worst thing I can do. So the cons out weigh the pros.

"Do it. Go in." I heard a whisper, and I glanced around, waiting for a figure to appear but darkness is all that surrounds me.

I close my eyes, as the image of her popped into my mind, and as soon as I opened them, I was standing before her bed.

I stared as she slept, the back of her hand was on her forehead, as her legs were tangling with the comforter, and her brown hair was sprawled around her. She looked effortlessly beautiful.

Was it even possible for her to look more perfect when she's sleeping?

I neared her bed, my fingertips caressing her cheekbone, as I stared down at her. I took my other hand, running through her hair gracefully, and immediately backed away as a groan escaped her lips.

I knew she couldn't feel me, but why was I having this feeling that she could?

What if she wakes up? Will she be able to see me?

Of course not, my mind speaks.

I took a seat on the edge of her bed, and rested my hand on her cheek as my thumb swiped left to right, under her eye. Her skin was so soft.

Before even thinking, I landed a swift kiss on her forehead.

I shook my head, and realized that this isn't what I should be doing. I shouldn't even be acting like this!

What the hell is wrong with me?!

I shouldn't have these feelings..

I shouldn't even feel bad!

But its her..

She has a way of making me feel bad, and not going on with this.

Is it because shes beautiful? Or is it because I somewhat know her?

I dropped my hand from her cheek, and glanced back at her one last time, to see her face. I can't stay here any longer, its not like I'm going to do it..

I took one last look at her and left before I changed my mind.


"How was it?" Alex voice makes me tenses up a little but.

I clear my throat, and straighten up myself before I turn around to face him.

"What?" I ask.

"How was it? With Cassandra." He adds, and I almost want to throw a punch at his face.

"It was good." I lie, but it did sound convincing.

"Really?" He raises a brow.

I swallow. Hard.

"Yeah, didn't you see my fingerprints? I touched her." I said causally, almost a smirk across my face. "Thanks for picking her for me." I give him a genuine smile, and turned my back on him before he could continue this conversation any longer.

I walked slowly, as my breaths became more heavy. Maybe it was cause I was nervous..

I waited for his voice to stop me, but as soon as I turned the corner, I realized he wasn't going to go after me anymore.

And I realized, I got away with it.

At least... For now.


Cassandra's POV

I was still having troubles to process everything he told me. Everything was such a blur.

I couldn't remember anything, the images were quite unclear, it doesn't make any sense.

"What are you trying to say?" I blurt out, and realized that the sky was losing its blue color, as it transformed into a light lavender, as orange and pink painted the sky as well.

We've been sitting on this hill for hours, under this tree, and it was actually kinda.. Relaxing.

"You lost your memory." He mumbles, disappoint filled his eyes.

"Oh." That was all I could say. "But why?"

He looks at the ground, and looks back at me, sorrow written across his face.

Okay this is getting depressing. There's still so much, I don't understand.

"Harry?" I look at him closely, studying his features. "Why did I lose my memory? It just doesn't make sense. I didn't do anything. Am I threat?" I ask, but he just shakes his head, playing with his fingers.

"Its my fault." He sighs, burying his face into his palms.

"How?" I ask.

He looks up, his eyes filled with tears as he spoke the words I never thought I'd hear.

"Because I fell in love with you."


A.N- short chapter, I know I'm so sorry! I just felt like it had to end here. The next update won't take a week I promise :)

Anyways, I've been getting less votes and comments and thats what motivates me to write. So if you could just PLEASE take your time and vote/comment, it would seriously mean a lot!! ILYSM THANK YOU <3 it will only take a split second to vote and half a second to comment!


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