Chapter 1: Queen Nala's pregnant!

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Hey hey hey! Jasiline here with the FIRST CHAPTER FOR THE LION GUARD!!!! *Crowd cheers* Hahaha. calm down. anyway. well It's my first time writing a fanfiction like this. so bear with me. well time to roar! TILL THE PRIDELANDS END! 




It was night time in the Pridelands and Outlands. Nala sighed sleeping next to her mate, Simba. as the sun arose and the light touched every part of the pridelands Nala and Simba woke up first. waking up Kiara and walking to the edge of pride rock watching the sunrise. once the sun was up Nala laid down at the edge of pride rock and rested. Simba laid with her while the other lionesses went out hunting for breakfast. Nala was feeling tired. Simba got Rafiki and once Rafiki got there he determined that Nala was indeed pregnant. almost time for the cub to come anyway. 


Nala was resting in the den sleeping. it was mid-day or afternoon. however you want to say it. anyway. it was mid-day and time for lunch. she was extra hungry today. and each day passed her stomach got bigger and bigger. soon the time was near for the little cub to come into the world. not much was happening in the Pridelands. Kiara was playing outside near the den chasing a butterfly. she ran around chasing a butterfly. 

The days passed by fast until the day Nala gave birth to the young prince/princess or the royal family. the day came for the young cub to be born into the world and Nala was in pain. 


Sorry it's short. didn't have much of anything to put. uhm...but this is the first chapter. hope you like it. um....well yea. See ya in the second chapter! BYE! 


Jasiline, Shadow, and Ody-Chan: PEACE! *everyone le poof*

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