♡Caught Making Out♡

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You and Naruto where getting ready for bed. You brushed your teeth and plopped onto bed. You and Naruto started talking then he looked you into the eyes then his lips met yours and it turned into a make out session. He climbed on top of you then the window opened. "Naruto have you seen-? Wrong time?" Jiraya said while sitting on the windowsill. "Pervy Sage! !" He got off of you bright red then jiraya left.


You was lying on the sofa reading when Sasuke entered the room. He was in a good mood today so he laid on top of you and kissed you. You dropped your book on the floor then kissed back as it turned into a make out session. The door then flew open to reveal a angry Naruto. "SASUKEEEEEEEE-" He looked down at your state then left. Sasuke got off embarrassed. "What a way to ruin the moment, Baka. "


Sai was painting and you was in one of them moods. So you started to annoy Sai which made him laugh then you sat on his lap as he put his things down. You sat facing him then kissed him passionately. That went for a while until Shikamaru looked over your fence since you where neighbours. "Hey Sai can I borrow a- Uhh,  never mind..." You quick got off as he spoke then blushed deeply. "I saw enjoying that." Sao said which made you blush even more.


Kakashi was reading his make out paradise book as usual until he blushed slightly then put it down. You gave a raised eyebrow then he pulled his mask down to kiss you. This went on for a while then   Yamato came around the corner. He went bright red then backed away. Kakashi quickly hide his face in your neck while you just starred at Yamato as he then ran off.


Gaara was getting stressed with his work so you though it would be good to hug him. You hugged him from behide then he sat you on his lap and kissed you turning it into a make out session. His office door swung open then you stopped. "Have you seen-  Umm.." Temari was shocked and froze as you both just looked at her embarrassed.


Kankuro was teaching you how to control a puppet on a large field. You fell on top of him then he kissed you while turning so he was on top. Gaara came out of the trees then he looked down at you two with disgust. "Please get a room." Kankuro instantly stopped then looked up with a red face as Gaara walked off.

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