New Character!

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Finally more Characters!!
There is one more nut I shall not add him yet cuz im evil😈.
I'll add the new character soon ok😂.
Here are the scenarios for Kiba for a catch up

Showering Together♡

Kiba and Akamaru back back all muddy from training.
Kiba bathed Akamaru then you got a smart idea  (Smarter then me reader - chan!!😂) "Kiba??" You asked as he was getting Akamaru dried. "Yes Y/N??"
"Do you... want to shower with me..?" Kiba smiled and nodded then once Akamaru was dried he ran off downstairs.
You both got undressed and got into the nice warm shower!!
You found it nice but then Akamaru wanted Kiba.
Seems you've found a love Rivel!!


Kiba and Akamaru where playing around as usual as you laid on the sofa reading. You heard Akamaru bark and run off. You kept reading then you felt something fall on you.
You looked down and saw Kiba with his head on your stomach with his arms wrapped around yours.
Fun while it lasted then Akamaru jumped on Kiba.


Kiba: He calls you Husky sometimes or pup. If he's in a sweet mood he calls you puppy.
You: You usually call him by his name, but sometimes you tend to call him dog boy or the leader of the pack.

♡He Hears You Sing♡

"L-l-l-over boy! You played us up like toys. Don't you feel bad? Don't you feel bad? Filled with repent--"
"Feel bad about what, Husky?? " You turned around to see Kiba standing in the doorway.
You sighed then laughed it off.
"Nothing...Dog Boy."
"Aww Screw you!!"
You both laughed it off like it was nothing.

Loverboy - You Me At Six

♡How You Sleep Together♡

Akamaru doesn't leave Kiba alone. So you and Kiba would be holding hands facing each other with Akamaru between you both. If Akamaru decides to be nice then you'll have your knees to your chest while you and Kiba hugged all night.

How You Wake Him Up♡

Akamaru usually wakes the both of you up in the mornings by jumping on you both. But if Kiba refuses you'll lick his face and he'll think it's Akamaru. You get a free hug out of it but you've done it that much he's used to it and knows it's you.

How He Wakes You Up♡

If you've already rolled out of bed due to Akamaru then he'll stay in bed to let you wake him up. But there are times where you've actually refused to get up.
He'll leave you be for a bit then he'll walk you up by running his hand under the cold tap for a while then he'll touch your back, stomach, or legs.
Let's just say you scream like a child and leg it out of the room.

♡He Buys You A Plush♡

Kiba was out walking Akamaru as his daily thing and quickly popped into a shop but ended up coming out with something else then what he actually needed.
He walked into the house and let Akamaru off his lead and went to find you.
You was lying in bed on your stomach drawing and he casually plopped on top of you and put something in front of you.
You smiled, thanked him and kissed him.

You smiled, thanked him and kissed him

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Naruto Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now