♡You Remember Your First Kiss With Him♡

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You and your boyfriend, Naruto, was on a mission today. You didn't know where you was going so you just followed him.
You then jumped passed a certain spot in the woods. A place you could never forget.
'Yourself and team 7 where on a mission! You was taking a rest so you went off to get some free time by a river not so far from the teams resting spot. You sat messing with the water until naruto came behide you and touched your shoulder. You jumped up and held a kunnai which made Naruto shake and step back. "Oh. It's only you. Sorry." You said to your boyfriend of 2 mouths at the time. "It's ok Y/N." You gave him a confused look after a few minutes of staring at one another. "Sooooo.. how come you came here??" "Oh, Sakura wanted to check on you so I went instead.." "Are you sure that's the reason??" He sighed after a few seconds silents and then he walked closer to you and held your hands in his. "I love you, don't forget it." Before you could say anything back he gently kissed you. You was shocked at first but then you melted into the kiss.'
You smiled at the memory, then caught up to Naruto.


You and Sasuke where off to go meet with Karin, Jugo and Suigetsu. Just the thought of them made you happy, but another reason was because of this:
'You, Sasuke, Jugo, Karin and Suigetsu where on a mission as per usual. Karin kept begging Sasuke to hug you or something, she wouldn't shut up about it. The whole way there was her begging Sasuke. You felt bad for the guy but you didn't want to yell at Karin since, believe it or not, she was the reason you and Sasuke started to date. She knew it would of made him happy since he had a crush on you, but who knew she'd want someone else to get with Sasuke. I mean C'mon it's Karin she's Sasuke obsessed!! Anyway!! You all had a quick stop at a waterfall. Jugo was chilling under a tree while Suigetsu annoyed you and Sasuke. Karin then joined in yelling at Sasuke to do something to you. He then snapped and got red with anger then looked at you. He waked to you and pecked you on the lips out of no where. Karin fangirled and Suigetsu told Jugo that it finally happened.'
You smiled and began to giggle then Sasuke gave you a confused look so you stopped and you kissed him. "Let's go, they'll be waiting!! Don't wanna be late!!"


You and Sai where drawing on a picnic bench near a fountain. You looked at the fountain and smiled.
'You and Sai, your boyfriend of 4 mouths by now, decided to meet up at a fountain. The same fountain you first met each other. He wanted to tell you something, something important. You sat on the side of the fountain and waited for him. He then finally showed up so you hugged him. He laughed slightly and you pulled from the hug. You talked for a bit then he began to draw you for some reason. Once he was done he smiled then looked to you. "Y/N??" "Yeah-" Before you could finish he slammed his lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around hie neck then you finally pulled apart. Surprisingly he was a good kisser.'
"Y/N are you ok???" You heard Sai say. "Huh? Oh yeah. Just that fountain holds so many memories I can never forget." You smiled as Sai did the same and nodded.


You and Kakashi laid in bed watching something before a mission the next day. You smiled as you remembered how this ended last time. 'You and Kakashi got back from training with his team as usual. You had been dating for at least 6 months and the only thing you've really done is hug. You offered for a movie night im bed and he agreed. You both laid in bed as he hugged you watching the movie. You enjoyed the comfort then he called your name. You looked up and he kissed you quickly. Once you pulled away he hid his face again. He wanted to wait a year until you saw his face fully. You could understand.'
You had a big smile then you kissed Kakashi's cheek then he pulled you into a proper kiss.


Gaara was doing paper work, same old same old. You looked out the window as he walled towards you. You smiled remembering the same scene.
'You was visiting the Kazakage who just so happened to be your boyfriend. You barely spent time together so you decided to visit him!! You helped with paper work on the spare desk he had but half way through you looked out the large window beside you. You heard his chair move so you looked towards him. He walked towards you then bent over so he was face to face with you. You looked into one another's eyes in silence. You then both lent in for the kiss before getting back on track.'
You smiled at Gaara then stood up. He smiled at you and kissed you before you both left the room.


You and Kankuro held hands walking to a restaurant. This restaurant held a great memory. So why not experience it again.
'You and your loved boyfriend where on your first date in a nice restaurant. You had a long conversation about puppets and being a puppet master before you both got up to leave. You got your belongings then turned around only to be pecked on the lips by Kankuro. You smiled at him as he blushed.'
Lovely memories.
You just can't simply forget it.


You was sitting under a tree while you read a book as Kiba and Akamaru played together. The same as once before.
'You, Kiba and Akamaru decided to go on a play day. Well, Kiba and Akamaru did. You sat under a big tree reading a book before Kiba came and sat next to you as Akamaru went to fetch a ball that was thrown quiet far. You both talked then you put your book down and looked towards him. He smiled at you then you kissed for the first time. Then Akamaru had to ruin it ;-;.'
You laughed at the memory then looked up to see them both having fun.

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