The Truth

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Dark's POV: What I saw was incredible, Anti had stopped twitching but started transforming I think Die and MadCry must have felt it because they teleported here quickly and saw Anti glowing. It all had stopped and thats when I saw the REAL him Dark (pun intended) green hair, one black eye with a green pupil, other eye was green with a blue color with a red pupil, sharp fangs and claws, and demon horns and tail. Die, MadCry and I stared in awe as he dissapeared then reappeared. He must of noticed us staring because he backed away and his head hang. "I knew he wasn't a human!!!" Die exclaimed, Madcry punched him because it made Anti sink down to the floor. "Hey, Anti it's fine, look"I said then looking at Die and Madcry in approval and we all transformed when he looked up.

Anti's POV: I watched as Dark, Die, and Madcry transformed (Dark: His hair slicked back, with red and black eyes. Die: Blonde hair with black and blue eyes, Madcry: Brown hair with a mask that had a mad face with very sharp teeth and you could see teeth hanging from under his mask) I was mainly staring at dark and turned to my normal demon form (His hair slicked up, sharp teeth, left eye as a septic eye while his right eye is black and green) Die and Madcry must have noticed I was staring at Dark because Die came over and nudged me while MadCry smirked. "So y-you guys are d-d-d-demons to???!'" I asked and they nodded and came into a group hug of course I engulfed it. "Yeah sorry we didn't tell you earlier, we thought you would hate us..." Madcry said. I just smiled and said " I would never ever hate you guys." just then something strange happened, I saw Madcry and Die give Dark an encouraging smile, just then Madcry and Die backed away and Dark took my hands and kissed me. MY crush just KISSED me, of course I kissed back. After he pulled away he said " Anti I loved you sinced the day I laid eyes on you, you don't have to love me ba-" I cut him off by kissing him, "Of course I love you, you big doof.!!"

Antisepticeye x Darkiplier (Danti or Antiseptiplier) PrisonWhere stories live. Discover now