Mine now!

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David's POV: After I found out Anti and Dark were dating I was pissed. "Hey bro." John replied with a "Yeah?" I sighed and said "I think it is time for plan B" his eyes widened and he looked at me and said "R u sure u wanna do this?" I just nodded in reply and told him to leave. About 5 minutes later Anti came back sighing while I smirked, I walked up to him and pinned his arms above his head while he said "W-what are you doing?!" I just said "shh shh baby you will see me and only me." I took out the potion and shoved in his mouth after a few minutes he looked up at me with tinted pink baby blue eyes and kissed me, of course I kissed back then he said "wooow why didn't I do that sooner bae?" I just chuckled and shrugged "I don't know but it is as good as I thought it was." That night Anti slept with me and never let go of me. (I know this should be Dark but it is for the story HELP ME!)

Time Skip til morning

Anti's POV: I didn't care about anyone else except for David right now. We were walking into the lunch room while he was carrying me while I had my arms around his neck and head in the crook of his neck when I heard "SO you did do it sir?" I heard David chuckle which made me smile and then David said "Of course sir, look at him isn't he a little green bean" I replied with "Just because I have green hair doesn't mean I am a type of bean" I then giggled while the guard and David chuckled. I then realized the guard chuckling is the one that is a demon, I yelped and went behind David he chuckled and asked the guard "Did you scare this little irish potatoe?" The guard just chuckled and nodded. I heard someone gasp and then I looked over and saw Dark with tears in his eyes when he saw me hugging David, David just looked at him and smirked.

Dark's POV: I saw Anti hugging on to that David guy which broke my heart. So I walked over there with Madcry and Die behind me and asked Anti "W-what are you doing Anti?" My voice cracking at the end Anti replied with "What do ya mean Dark I am just hugging my boyfriend." he then hugged David tighter. I grabbed David by the neck and yelled at him "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!!!" he chuckled but was cut off by something that broke my heart "STOP DON'T HURT HIM!!!" Anti yelled which made me drop him. My eyes changed to the demon color but quickly turned back but the guard must have saw because he dragged me to a corner and asked "Are you a demon to?" I just nodded growling then he asked "Is there any others?" I replyed with "Yes Madcry, Die, and someone if I say the name I would probably kill someone else." HE just nodded and said "I can tell you what happened to him. I looked up at him and said "PLEASE TELL ME!" HE sighed and said "David asked for a love potion for something so I gave it to him so yeah." I growled and punched him "THIS IS YOUR FAULT." I yeled he just sighed and healed himself and gave me a potion "This will take away the affects" I ran off back to David and Anti to see them making out. I growled and grabbed Anti and sadly poured the drink down is throat (thats what he said) after awhile he looked up with his regular blue eyes and said "D

Antisepticeye x Darkiplier (Danti or Antiseptiplier) PrisonWhere stories live. Discover now