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Die's POV: We finally met Anti again, and I could tell Dark was very glad. "We will be right back" I said to Dark and Anti, and brought MadCry to a backroom. "So we still gonna get them together?" Madcry asked, and I just nodded. He gave me a quick kiss before we went back and saw Anti and Dark talking, I saw Anti slowly falling asleep, same with Dark. So we stayed quiet, soon enough they feel asleep and Madcry and I set them with our magic to how they were cuddling in the bed.

Dark's POV: I woke up to feel something small and warm in my arms, I looked down and saw Anti. Of course I immediately blushed. I felt him shake a little before turning around and looked at me while blushing, but his blush was green wierd. Just then I didn't expect it but he kissed me, I kissed back, it soon turned into a full out make out session but we were interupted by Die clearing his throat while smirking. Anti and I were blushing deeply. "Soooooo are you guys a thang nowww??" Die asked wierdly. Anti looked at me excpecting me to answer. "Give us a minute to talk about it" I said and Die and Madcry nodded watching me and Anti run off. "So are w-we a thing?" Anti asked "I think so if you want to" He just nodded and jumped into my arms. We walked back to the guys and nodded and they squealed like highschool firls

Antisepticeye x Darkiplier (Danti or Antiseptiplier) PrisonWhere stories live. Discover now