Twenty Five

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- Should Ashlley and Zach get back together? Let me know! Also if you have any ideas please tell me! Thanks💞💞-

I got out went up to their door and I grabbed the flowers and grabbed a piece of a paper and wrote...
Cool your fault but give this to your prom date!
                        From Ashlley Bieber
I then dropped the flowers out of my hand and placed the note carefully down. I went back to my car before someone saw me, I then went to practice. After practice I had a text from Zach.
Zach😑: what was that for??
Ashie😭💕: didn't they tell you I was a savage?
Zach😑: I wrote that note from the bottom of my heart!
Ashie😭💕: cool 😎
Zach😑: why won't you take me back?!
Ashie😭💕: ur kidding me?!
Zach😑: I regret everything this is all new to me! Take me back
Ashie😭💕: idk Zach I have to think about it
Zach😑: take your time no pressure! I love you❤️
I got back home, I went up to my room and laid on my bed. I started to think, Should I take him back? This hard for me too much for me to handle.

- next morning-
I woke up, got ready and waited for Kendall to pick me up and go hiking. After walking up the hill or mountain. We started to walk down,  Me and Hailey have slipped but lucky we were safe. It was rocky and dangerous. All of the sudden I slip and start rolling down. I started yelling because I kept hitting rocks and it scratched my skin. Everything went fast until I hit something really hard.

Gigi's POV
We were going to walk to be ready for the Victoria's Secret Show. It was slippery and dangerous who even picked this place? We got to the top and it was a beautiful view of LA. We then started walking down and we had to be extra careful because it dangerous, I sat down and slid down until it was good to walk again. I was getting up when I heard yelling. I turned around and then saw Ashlley rolling down. FUCK! I tried stopping her but I couldn't. We were all now rushing down to get her. When we got where she was she was there laying down.

I went up to her and starting saying her name. "Ashlley are you ok?" I asked her sounding worried. " ashlley?" Hailey said. She went over  and moved her so we can see her face. My eyes widen " ASHLLEY NO NO NO ASHLLEY" I yelled I started to cry.

"Noooo someone call 911" Taylor screamed. "HURRY ITS 9 1 FUCKING 1 " she said yelling at Kendall who was dialing for help.  3 minutes later they came Taylor and Hailey went with her me and Kendall stayed. I look at the place where Ashlley was and it had blood. We got into the car and called Justin then headed to the hospital.

When we got there we saw Taylor and Hailey they were still freaking out. "How's Ashlley?" Kendall said. "She went emergency they only told us not to worry" Hailey said. " we called Justin he's on his way" I said. After Justin came.

"WHERES MY SISTER" He said freaking out. " she's in emergency" Kendall said. Justin's eyes started to get watery we was nervous. "How did this happen?" He asked. "She slipped and rolled down then she hit a rock" I said. After 20 mins later a doctor came.

"Anyone here for Ashlley Marie Bieber?"he said. "Yes" we all said. "Am her brother how is she?" he asked. "She lost not too much blood,she has a broken rib and got couple of stitches. She is in room 225" he said and left. We all went into her room, she was laying there looking at the ceiling.

"Ashlley how are you feeling"Justin said in a soft voice. "Bad" she said with a weak voice. " this is our fault" Kendall said. "No it's not your fault guys it's not!" She said. " we are happy your ok" Taylor said. She went over and tried hugging Ashlley. Hailey went back home to change, we told Taylor to go back but she didn't want to leave Ashlley's side. It was 9pm we all left expect Justin he stayed. Taylor didn't want to leave either but Justin had to talk to her. Tomorrow Taylor will be coming at 9am till 5pm. Justin then will be taking the other shift.

Ashlley's POV
I had to much pain, everything was aching. Hailey and Taylor were with me in the ambulance. I didn't want them to leave my side because I was hella scared. I was brought into emergency. They took x rays, they check my head and gave me pills for the pain. I was brought into a room. I was half awake. Then my friends and Justin came into the room. I was starving but wasn't allow to eat anything yet. I then got food but Justin had to feed me. After the girls left, they brought Justin a bed so he can sleep for the night. I don't know how but I fell asleep in the uncomfortable bed.

I woke up and saw Justin eating breakfast. " are you hungry?" He asked me. "Yeah but finish first I can wait" I said. After Justin was feeding me and then I took my pills. Taylor came and looked after me, I had some visitors my dad,Jaxon and Jazymn came.

Am leaving today FINALLY! The doctor told me to rest until I have feel better. I am still weak so Justin had to helped me on a wheel chair. I was crowded my paps they kept asking me questions. We got hole safely, luckily there was a elevator so we took it. Justin helped me lay on my bed. I was going through my phone when I remembered today Zach is taking that random ass girl to prom. I had so many missing calls and texts. I answered them people kept asking me how was I or what happened.
Zach😑:  I hope your ok feel better love ❤️
Ashie😭💕: thanks Zach and am ok
Zach😑: what exactly happened?
Ashie😭💕: stupid me slipped and went rolling down a rocky hill and hit a rock.
Zach😑: OH DAMM!
Ashie😭💕: lol, I broke a rib and got stitches.
Zach😑: well feel better I have to go
He had to go and get ready for prom...ugh! I love him but I don't at the same time!!

Justin Bieber's Little Sister { Zach Herron }Where stories live. Discover now