9. Banana Pancakes.

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Jonah's P.O.V.

What did I learn about Jay last night? That girl can sleep. She curled up with me last night, and she was out. We woke her up when pizza got there, the boys and I got comfortable and started playing video games as we ate. Jay ate then slid back to where she had been before, though then I wasn't wearing a shirt and her hair tickled my chest. When I was ready to sleep I gently slid out from under her to not wake her, I took off my shorts and laid down on the other couch, I didn't want to leave her alseep downstairs alone. As soon as I had laid down Jay woke up, and looked across the room to see me. She got up and grabbed one of the tee shirts someone had left on the floor. She came back in the tee shirt with her clothes in hand. Jay then laid down on the couch with me, I just laughed slightly pulling her closer.

Now it was the morning though, as I woke up. I moved to stretch and I realised that Jay as no longer on the couch with me. I got up and pulled on my basketball shorts. I walked into the kitchen to see Jay with her back to me, the smell off pancakes filled my nose. It looked like she was just wearing the tee shirt she slept in.

"Good morning." I said.

It made Jay jump.

"What are you doing up?" She asked, "I thought you boys slept in late."

"I'm the early bird." I said

"I was gonna put pants on but I thought y'all would be asleep for a while longer." She said flipping a pancake.

"Are you wearing underwear under that?" I questioned.

She looked at me over her shoulder.

"I don't know why don't you come check." She said.

"I just might." I said with a large smirk on my face.

"I was kidding!" She yelled throwing a dish towel at me, "of course I am wearing underwear."

I laughed a little, she poured the last bit of batter into the pan. I walked over and grabbed a plate putting three pancakes onto it.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked

"I have to be at work in a few hours, I figured I might want to go get a different shirt. Maybe do my make-up." She said

"You know if you don't really care about your make-up then you can just take one of our shirts." I said

"Yeah but I'm asking myself how much I want to piss off all the boys today." She said removing the last pancake from the pan and turning off the oven.

"The answer is a fuck ton." I said cutting my pancakes.

"The answer is a fuck ton, but I have to work with these boys for a while and there are some bridges I'm not quite ready to burn yet." She said

"Bring a couple of us and burn all the bridges." I said

She laughed as she put pancakes onto her plate.

"Do you even know how much trouble that would cause?" She asked sitting across from me at the table

"Oh probably so much trouble." I said, "but it would be hilarious."

Jay gave me a look.

"You're honestly the worst." She said with a smile, "but you're right that would be hilarious. I just think it might start some unneeded drama."

"Yeah by who?" I asked

"Clearly you don't know any of these boys." She said.

"You're right I know none of them." I said laughing.

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