23. Why Don't We V.2

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Jay's P.O.V.

We walked back stage before the show had started. Christina was already with Corbyn, Daniel was the first boy I saw.

"Daniel!" I yelled running towards him

"Jay ! " Daniel shouted back running to me as well.

I jumped into his arms hugging him as he got to me.

"its only been a few weeks." Daniel said laughing 

"I know." I said, "But I missed having another voice of reason around."

Daniel laughed releasing me from the hug.

"Jack is back here somewhere around here, I bet if you looked you could find him." Daniel said

"He's not hard to find." I said

"Michael, why don't you come with me. I wanna show you somthing" Daniel said

"yeah, cool. what is it?" Michael said to Daniel as they walked away from me.

Great, cool, he is scheming and he has everyone in on it was all I could think. I walked down a hallway with a bunch of door till I saw Zach at the end of the hallway. He looked right at me as he yelled. 

"Jack its your baby mama!" Zach yelled at the top of his lungs

My eyes widened. 

"Zach Herron!" I yelled running after him forgetting the fact that I was in a dress.

He turned tail and ran as fast as he could.

"You can't get mad if its true!" He yelled as he ran

"You can suck a cock." I yelled back at him

I chased him around back stage until I ran into someone, falling on my ass. It was Jonah. He just laughed and offered me his hand, helping me up off the floor.

"It looks like we are back to the way we were before we left." Jonah said

"that we are." I said, "I missed you idiots."

"We missed you too." Jonah said, "Have you see Jack yet?"

"No." I said, "I haven't. I was looking for him when I ran into Zach. Then I literally ran into you." 

Jonah laughed, "Well, Jack is around here somewhere." 

"Wanna help me find him?" I asked

"Yeah dude, I got you." Jonah replied.

Jonah and I walked together back stage as we attempted to find Jack. We saw a room with an open door, hearing Zachs voice echoing out of it.

"No No." He said, "I swear she was just right behind me, then she was just gone."

Jonah and I both laughed. Zach popped his head out of the room that he was in.

"Jack!" Zach yelled staring at us. "I found her! She is out here in the hallway!" 

Jonah and I continued down the hall towards Zach when he was shoved out into the hallway. The door was then shut and locked behind Zach pounded on the door, then yelled back at Jack.

"Cool thanks!" He yelled, "I'll just go hang out with your girl!" 

"Yeah well whatever you're lying to me." Jack yelled, "Maybe I don't want to see her anyway!"

Zach and Jonah both looked at me, shocked and then back at the door to the room that Jack locked himself in. I stood there for a second before yelling back.

"I guess I didn't want to see you either, Jack ass." I yelled

I turned and walked away I heard the footsteps of Jonah and Zach behind me. I then heard a door open as well.

"Jay!" I heard Jack yell, "You really are here." 

I heard his footsteps on the floor as he ran to me, I turned around to see Jack right behind me. A second later he had picked me up and was spinning me around. 

"Oh baby girl I missed you!" Jack said giving me a kiss

"I missed you too love." I replied laughing

I few seconds later he set me down on my face, showering me with kisses. 

"Daniel said you weren't coming." Jack said

"Oh really?" I said

"Yeah I asked him if you were coming yesterday and he said you weren't  coming." Jack said

"Oh really?" I said, "thats funny cause, he asked me yesterday if I was coming and I told him yes."

"He is a butthead, but I am so glad you're here!" he said

"I'm glad to be here too." I said smiling.

"are you wearing the heals I got you?" He asked looking down.

I laughed sticking out my foot showing him my white high tops. 

"I was not going to wear heels to a concert." I said

"are you wearing the ring I got you?" Jack asked

"Of course!" I said showing him the ring on my right hand, "it feels funny to wear rings on my right hand."

"That is because this ring is supposed to go on your left hand." Jack said taking the ring off my right hand, and putting it on to my left.

"Left hands are for wedding rings Jack Avery ." I said

Jack just smiled, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I know." was all he said

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jacks hand, both of us walking to where all the other boys were. We got to them, they were all chatting when we walked up. I looked at Daniel who had a very large smile plastered across his face. Jack dropped my hand and ran over to Daniel jumping on him.

"You said she wasn't coming!" Jack said as he playfully hit Daniel

"I can't believe it!" I said, "Daniel Seavey told a lie!" 

Daniel just laughed. 

"Guys! time for sound check!" someone yelled

All five of the boys got up from where they were. Heading to the stage, Christina, Michael and I sat around back stage for a little while. Till we decided to go out and find our seats.

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