Chapter Three

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Demi was just staring at me. I didn't know why, so I furrowed my brows. I think that she guessed I was confused, because randomly she said,

"You know, I already thought you were cute, but my god, you are something else when you smile. It's really really cute." She gushed.

"Would you mind if I came into bed too?" she asked.

"Oh uh yeah sure." I replied. A little flustered since I was about to be laying in bed with the most amazing girl in the world. How did this happen to me? I used to have absolutely no one. Now I'm going to be laying in bed with my hero.

"It's just that, it's getting kind of late, and I wanted to watch a movie, and this is my bed." She giggled.

"Oh uh yeah definitely then. Sorry." I flushed.

"Don't be. I'm the one who put you here love."


"Y'know, you know my name, but I don't know yours. Why is that?" I asked the girl.

"Maybe because you're a famous singer and I'm a nobody." she replied.

"I'm Alli." she said right after.

"Alli" I repeated,

"that's really pretty, I like it."

"It's actually Allison, but that's what my mom wanted, so I don't like being called it. So I just tell everyone that my name is Alli." she explained.

"Oh. Well okay Alli." I said.

"So, how did your mom die? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"It's okay. I don't know how she died, it was when I was a baby.. and Ray always would refuse to tell me. And whenever I would try to find out, I'd be hit."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay Demi, you didn't know."

"Well," I smiled, and continued,

"that's all gonna change."

"Demi.." she started,

"no offense, but I have to go as soon as I'm better. I doubt we'll have time for you to learn my whole life story. I can't stay, I can't burden you like that. Besides, eventually you're going to get sick of me." My face dropped.

"Alli, please don't go.. I really like you an-"

"You don't even know me!" She cut me off slightly yelling.

"But I want to Alli! I wanna be there for you. I want to be exactly what you need. Isn't that enough for you to stay?"


"Because you're real. And I already know too much about you to just let you leave my life. And I get lonely a lot... it's really hard. I hate being alone.. and you can be the person who changes that."

"You can literally choose from millions just because you're you.. and you choose me, why?" She asked. And I couldn't answer. She was right but wrong at the same time. I can't tell her it's because she's beautiful, or because I'm in love with her eyes. Or her cute, shy, smile even though I've only seen it once. I can't say that it's because I have this huge school girl crush on her., because all of that could push her away. And it's times like these when I hate myself for falling too quickly. It's makes relationships too frightening. And too quick. I don't quite know why yet the reason I want this girl in my life. I just know that I honestly do. 100%.

"Honestly... I don't know why, okay? I just know I feel a connection and I KNOW that you feel it too. It's there and It's strong."

"Okay... I do feel something. But that doesn't mean anything."

"Oh, you know that it does. You're just screwing with me now!"

"Hmm..." she said while making a pouty face that was adorable.

"You're right, I am." I laughed at her cuteness.

"Hey Demz?" she said. Awh how cute.

"Yes love?"

"I'm tired, can we sleep?"

"Oh yeah sure, do you umm want me to sleep somewhere else?"

"No. Actually.... can we cuddle? I'm scared I'll have nightmares about Ray."

"Sure love, c'mere. I'll protect you."

She climbed into my arms and curled up into a ball. It was really cute. I couldn't resist kissing her forehead, I hope she was asleep already.


I wonder If Demi thought I was asleep because I wasn't and I totally just felt her kiss my forehead. It was cheesy but cute. Then I heard a whisper say "I'll always protect you Alli." And I fell asleep with an even bigger smile on my face.

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