Chapter Twenty

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I woke up to find that Demi was already up and out of bed.

"Demz?" I called out, then I heard jogging up the stairs and Demi appeared in the doorway on the phone, with a finger up signaling me to be quiet. I nodded to show I understood.

"Uh yeah, yeah yeah yeah, that totally works. Mhm, yeah, sounds good. Alright, looks like I'll see you later on today then, mhm. Okay, bye"

"What was all that about?"

"That was my manager, looks like I've got a summer tour before I start my world tour"

"Oh, wow, cool.. So uhm when does that start?"

"Kicks off tomorrow" she said with an unsure expression.

"Well that's great, aren't you excited?"

"I mean it's just a little last minute.. And I was going to spend summer with you.."


"But wait, what if you just come with me? If you'd want to.."

"Yes! Of course I do Demetria what the fuck you thought I'd say no??" I said chucking a pillow at her.

"Oof" the pillow hit her,

"Well, I didn't know since we'll have to be all packed today and not have much freedom and late nights hardly any sleep I didn't know if you wanted to deal with tour life"

"Demetria I'd rather deal with tour life than life without you.. Come on then lazy ass let's get ta packing!"

"Haha okay love, but first," she walked over to the bed and pinned me down,

"Good morning beautiful" she said, then kissed me. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

"You make me feel so good Demz"

"Good," she said smiling, then pulled me up,

"Come on then lazy ass" she said with a smirk. I threw another pillow at her.


"Alright then, you're sure this is everything?"

"Yes mommm, I'm capable of packing a few suitcases, besides, I've got a loving girlfriend who would be willing to buy me anything that I forgot" I said smiling and batting my eyes at Demi.

"Yeah sure can I meet her?"

"Shut up meanie"

"Haha, go ahead and get in, I'm just gonna lock up and then we'll go"

"Okayy" I entertained myself by playing with all the things Demi had in her car.

"Hey dork!"

"Hey! That's rude"

"Here's your phone that you left on the bed"


"Yeah smart one haha" Demi got in and put the keys in starting the car.

"Can I drive?"

"Uh, no"

"Ok.." I said pouting.

"Sorry babe haha but we're already late and you don't even know where we're going"

"I know haha. Can I tweet about the tour?"

"Yeah that'd be great actually, get some word out since the Houston show is tomorrow"

"Alright cool" I sent out the tweet and instantly fans went crazy, I entertained myself talking to them.

"Where's Demi?" "She's driving currently so we can hurry and meet with some people and go to Houston." "If you guys are in Cali still why is the first date in Texas?" "I don't know lmao I don't make this stuff up. Probs has something to do with Demz's family bein there." "DOES SHE HAVE A CUTE NICKNAME FOR YOU LIKE YOU CALL HER DEMZ?" "Umm it's hard to make one from my name. She calls me her princess and love a lot." I sent a tweet out saying I had to go for now but that we'd both probably be active later.

"So where are we going exactly?"

"We're going to the airport to go back home haha duh"

"How will you get your car back?"

"Max has a guy assigned to do that sort of stuff haha"

"Oh alright"

"Yeah. Oh shoot uhh text my mom and tell her we're on our way, I'm not sure if she's heard of the tour yet" she said laughing. I texted her mom from her phone saying it was me and that we were driving to the airport and explained what I knew about the tour. She texted back almost instantly.

"What's it say?" Demi asked.

"It says, "Alli- thank you dear, I'm glad SOMEBODY finally told me. Demi- I am not STUPID. I have access to social media and Lovatics tweeting out of excitement. I'm offended by you thinking I wouldn't have already heard the news, SHAME ON YOU. Alli- thanks again hun, can't wait to finally see you in person and give you lots of hugs and kisses." HAHAHAH YOUR MOM CAN'T WAIT TO GIVE ME HUGS AND KISSESSS!"


"HAHAHA I'M DEAD RIGHT NOW, your mom is SUCH a sweetheart"

"Hmph" Demi pouted.

"Sorry babee"

"Lucky you're cute"

"Hah" I smiled.

"Are we there yetttt?"




"Shh calm down, I'll be there right next to you the whole time ok? You can try sleeping a little too, I'll let you cuddle me while you sleep, whatever is comfy for you"

"Aw yay, you're so sweet"

"Don't you ever forget it" she said laughing. Once we arrived at the airport we stopped and took some pictures with fans and Demi signed some autographs. A couple fans wanted my autograph too, I don't know why, but I gave them what they wanted and they went on their merry little way haha. We've just boarded the plane where a few more people recognized us and took pictures. We were escorted to seats in first class which was really cool. Demi said sometimes she likes to go sit in the lower classes and chat with fans but since it was my first time she wanted me as close and comfy as possible which I thought was really cute and sweet of her. The plane took off and it felt a bit weird but once we were in the air I was able to doze off to sleep. Suddenly after a half hour of sleeping I was woken up by shaking.

"Demi what's that what's going on?" I asked nervously, I'll admit, I was scared.

"Babe it's just a little turbulence, nothing really" she said looking down at me. I nodded and cuddled back into her with my head back on her chest. She held my hand and played with my hair until eventually I was able to fall asleep again.

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