Chapter Six

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Demi and I kissed, slowly and passionately, until breathing became a problem. It was amazing.. I just had my first kiss with Demetria Devonne Lovato. Oh my god. I was hardly breathing, it felt amazing kissing Demi, her lips were so soft..

"Wow." I breathed out,

"Yeah." said Demi with her hands still on my waist keeping me on her lap.

"So, what does this make us?" Demi asked.

"Whatever you want it to make us." I smiled.

"I have to do this properly then." Demi said. I raised an eyebrow and got up, then Demi got on one knee and took my hand in hers. Oh my god. I began to giggle and blush. She's so cheesy.

"Allison I-Don't-Know-Your-Middle-Name Hernandez, would you make me the happiest person on ever and be my girlfriend?" Oh my god I was crying again.

"Yes!" I shouted. She stood up, picked me up bridal style, kissing me, then brought me and my guitar back inside. She brought me up to the bed and laid me down. I smiled, looking up at her. She came back and laid down next to me. I scooted closer to her and she pulled the covers up while I curled into her. She put her arm around me, holding me tight against her, and began to play with my hair. But I couldn't help but question why she likes me. I want to just be happy but it seems impossible.


"Yes love?"

"Um... why do you like me?"

"That's a hard question because it has so many answers. I guess I can start with the fact that you're the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen or met. You're funny, sweet, genuine.. you're so strong. I admire your strength."

"That a good enough answer? Cuz I've got more."

"No, that'll do." I say.. then thinking to myself some more while Demi was watching the TV.

"Demi..?" I began again.

"Yes love?" I really like when she calls me love.

"Are we going to be public about our relationship..?"

"Do you want to be?"

"Yeah.. I think so... I want everyone to know that you're mine. And I wanna be able to hold your hand, and have kisses." I said.

"I feel exactly the same." She replied, smiling.

"So," she began,

"I should at least tell my mom first, so I'm gonna Skype her really quick so she can meet you in the process."

"Alright.." I said, nervous about already having to meet her mom. At least it's through Skype, that'll help a bit.

"Oh, and Alli," she started, I looked at her,

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"You know that Ray is going to end up knowing now too.. right? It's going to be news that travels really quickly.. I've always been a lesbian, and my close friends and family have always known that, but the public never knew. So it's going to be two bombshells at once. Are you sure you're ready for that? Because love we really don't have to."

"Oh.. I guess I hadn't considered all of that.."

"But do you still want to come out as a couple, or not? Because I want you to be comfortable with whatever you choose."

"Yes. It'll be okay since I have you. After all, you DID say you'd always protect me." I smirked. She blushed.

"You.. you were awake for all of that?"

"I was, and I must say Demetria, in all my years of being a Lovatic, I NEVER knew you were so damn cheesy." I giggled.

"I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say?" She responded.

"Well, it's a win-win for me then." She furrowed her brows,

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. Demi Lovato, the most amazing human being on earth, is MY girlfriend, she serenaded me, like awh. And she's a hopeless romantic, which means she's going to do lots of sweet, romantic, cheesy things. MEANING that MY girlfriend, Demi Lovato, is amazing, hot as HELL, sweet, and cheesy. That's my kinda woman. You're literally perfect for me." I said the last sentence blushing while Demi smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Hot as hell?" she asked.

"Oh my god Demetria, one compliment, you KNOW that you're hot as hell. Seriously you tease Lovatics ALL THE TIME just because you KNOW that you are DAMN sexy."

"How dare you accuse me of such things!" She said laughing and pretending to be offended.

"You're a drama queen, but I still lo-uh like you a lot." I said, I just almost told Demi that I love her, I hope she didn't notice.


I'm pretty sure Alli just almost told me that she loves me. And I can't stop smiling about it.

"I'm gonna call my mom now." I said

"Okay!" she said with a smile.

"Can you go on my twitter please and tweet that I'll be having a livestream in about five minutes? And tag yourself in it."

"Alright!" She responded, suddenly my mom's face popped up on the screen.


"HI MOMMY!" Demi said, she's such a cutie oh my god.

"Demi, it's nearly midnight, this better be good. Who's that girl in bed with you?" Demi intertwined our fingers and held our linked hands up,

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Alli." She said smiling.

"Aww Demi that's so good for you! Alli, you are such a beautiful young lady, Demi, you got a good one this time. Don't let this one go." Demi smiled,

"I wasn't planning on it."

"So, Alli, just how old are you? You look quite young." Demi answered for me as I was quite flustered.

"She's seventeen mom, but she'll be eighteen this year. And it's not like we'll be doing anything inappropriate.. nothing before you're eighteen at least" Whispering the last part in my ear. I shivered.

"Just kissing. I swear." She continued to her mom.

"Alright Demi, if this is what you both want then I'll ignore the age."

"Thanks mom," she said.

"We have to go now, I'm coming out to the fans through a livestream."

"Alright, sweet dreams girls! It's nice meeting you Alli!"

"Nice meeting you too miss." I said.

"Please, call me mom. If Demetria has her way, eventually you're gonna have to." She winked then hung up. Demi was blushing.

"Is that true, miss Lovato?" I looked at her. She just smiled at me and said

"Well, my mom does know best."

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