Chapter Four

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When I woke up, Demi was no longer in bed with me. I began to wonder if it was all just a dream, I tried fighting it but couldn't resist letting a few tears fall. Just then, Demi walked in with a tray.

"Good morning Alli, I made you break-" She stopped and put the tray down when she noticed that I was crying.

"What's wrong kid?"

"Did we sleep together last night?"

"Yeah... why? You said that you wanted to.. I'm sorry."

"No, no. I was crying because I thought this had all been a dream." I said sniffling then giggling.

"Oh," Demi said,

"well yeah it was real. I just decided that I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." She said, grinning widely. She made pancakes, those are my favorite. I've only had them a couple times though, when Ray was too drunk to notice I had made myself food. He would never make them for me. But I feel bad that Demi made me them because I don't want them, I mean, I do, but I don't. It's so sweet that she made me breakfast in bed.. I just don't want them to end up in the toilet later. And I can't really control if that happens or not...

"Demi..." I began,

"Wait." she said, cutting me off.

"Look, I know last night you told me about your eating disorders. I know you probably don't want to eat these.. but can you please? For me. You really need some food. And I'll be here for you all day to help you fight the mean thoughts. And my best friend Marissa is coming today too. I thought maybe we could eat, shower, get dressed..."

"Demi I don't have any clothes..."

"I sent Max out to get you some. See?" She said, holding up a bag and smiling. I smiled..

"Demi.. why are you doing this?"

"Cuz I wanna help my new friend and housemate out!" She said with an even bigger smile.

"Housemate..?" I said questioningly.

"Yeah, I was thinking maybe you could live with me since you're my friend and don't really have anywhere to go."

"I couldn't help you pay the bills... I'm only seventeen and I dropped out of highschool.." I answered. I was kind of sad because I really did want to live with Demi but I seriously wouldn't be able to help her in any way financially.

"Oh my god, really Alli, I would never ask you to help me pay for anything. I make way more than enough money." she said giggling.

"Soo..?" she asked, awaiting my response as to whether or not I would live with her. This could be one of the biggest decisions of my life. My whole future is based on just one choice. But I've decided now to turn over a new leaf. My old life ends today. Today, I'm a new person. Today, I'm going to start recovering. Today I'm done being 'Alli Hernandez, the depressed, abused teenager, that no one loves or cares about' Today, I'm 'Alii Hernandez, the happy, recovering teenager, that is loved and cared for by Demi Lovato.. the most amazing girl in the world.'

"Gimme those pancakes, I said, taking a huge bite. And come here, housemate, have some too." I said grinning, Demi smiled widely and nearly pounced onto me. She got on top of me straddling my waist, as I was laying on the bed. We both looked into each others eyes and stayed that was for a minute. it was amazing.. but I knew if it lasted too much longer I would end up trying to kiss her.

"Demi.." I began

"I'm like four years younger than you so if you could get off of me that'd be greatly appreciated." I said giggling.

"Sorry.." she blushed.

"I'm just really really excited." she said. She looked like a puppy.

"It's okay." I said laughing.

"Just warn me next time BEFORE you try raping me." I said, and then winked. She was blushing A LOT. But why..?

"I was NOT trying to rape you." She retorted.

"Mhmm." I said sarcastically with a very cheeky grin.

"Hurry. I wanna shower, I feel gross and bloody."

"Oh shut up you little drama queen. I cleaned you up and gave you some of my clothes while you were out of it." I hadn't even noticed that I wasn't wearing my clothes anymore...

"Wait, does that mean that you've seen my body?" I asked insecurely.

"Yeah. but only til I got your wounds all cleaned up. Please don't feel insecure. You're really truly beautiful."


Alli never notied that I changed her clothes and cleaned her wounds. Now she's really insecure. She was truly beautiful though, every part of her. She had cuts that I know were self inflicted on her shoulders, wrists, stomach, hips, and thighs. But she was still beautiful in my eyes. I kissed every single one of her cuts that were self inflicted before getting her dressed again. If she ever found that out, I'm sure I'd never be able to live it down.

"Demi...?" I was interrupted from my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" I said, hoping that I hadn't been zoned out for too long,

"What were you thinking about?" she asked.

"Uh, nothing, no one."

"So it was a person..?" Shit. Why am I so flustered around her?

"Maybe." I said, trying to play it cool.

"Was it me?" she asked, jokingly, I think, but I still replied,

"Yes." Her jaw dropped then she had a huge laughing fit, which was really cute, but really bad because something embarrassing with me probably happened.

"What?!?" I asked frantically.

"Why are you laughing!?!" I asked.

"Cuz you were blushing EXTRA hard when you were zoned out. Hahaha oh my god. What were you thinking??" she asked, clearly amused, while I blushed even more.

"I don't have to answer that." I said.

"Now here, take some clothes and go take your damn shower, miss giggles a lot."

"Okay," she said then trying to stifle laughter, said

"miss blush a lot." with the cheekiest most satisfied grin. I chucked a pillow at her and she ran off. I fell backwards onto my bed. Damn, I really like this girl. Max told me to be careful. To make sure I don't fall for her. But it's too late, there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop this now. And I've decided, that I want her. More than anything. And I AM going to get her.

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