Chapter Two

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When I come to, I'm lying on a bed. A bed that isn't mine, I try my hardest to remember what happened but I can't. I hear footsteps in a hallway coming towards the room I'm in. Oh my god is Ray coming to punish me? No, no it can't be Ray.. I ran away last night.. and I.. passed out? In the street.. yeah.. why am I here then? I shifted, trying to get up.

"Aghhh" I groaned. I hurt. A lot. All of a sudden I see a familiar brunette come rushing to my side. A CUTE, familiar brunette. Wait a minute.. oh my god. No way. The cute familiar brunette is Demi fucking Lovato!

"D-De-Demi?" I managed to stutter out through a very sore throat with a very raspy voice.

"Shh. Shh, love. It's okay now. Yes, I'm Demi Lovato and I'm sure you must have a thousand questions, but for now lovely, you just need to rest. I've some questions too. Later though."

"B-b-but.. how..?"

"Alright, I'll explain what I can. Max was driving me home from a store, and you were limping in the street. It was dark, rainy, and we didn't see you til we nearly hit you. We saw you pass out right in front of the car. Blood loss, I'm assuming. However I don't know why you were bleeding so much, or why you're hurt so bad. I don't even know why you were out that late in that bad of a condition. But I scooped you up in my arms bridal style and I carried you to my car, then I laid you down in the back seat. I brought you back here to my place. Max of course was fighting me about it but I couldn't just leave an angel to lie in the streets. I've been in here watching you since. I wanted to make sure you were okay. I had just stepped out to use the bathroom really quick. That's the only question I'm answering for now, love. I'm gonna go get you some water and aspirin really quick. After your throat is better and the headache I assume you have from falling onto the concrete is gone, we can talk more alright?"

"Demi..." I took a breath,

"thank you, but this isn't necessary. I'll just go."

"No you won't. Lay back down. This IS necessary. I'll be right back lovely." She smiled a huge genuine smile then winked at me. What's going on? Why is she doing this? I'm worthless, why does she want me here? What's this feeling in my chest..? It's weird. My chest feels... fuzzy. Not like pain. Just weird.. tingling fuzzies. Demi came back in, interrupting my thoughts.

"Drink up sweetie." she smiled. I took the pill and drank the water.

"Soo.." Demi began. Probably trying to find a place to start. I knew she must've had tons of questions.

"Why were you out?" Ahh. Good choice of where to start.

"I ran away." I replied, simply and bluntly. Demi furrowed her brows.

"Why? Don't you think your family will miss you?"

"I don't really have have a family. I was an only child, and my mom died, I only had Ray. But I couldn't couldn't be with him any longer." Demi frowned.. she looked... sad?

"Was umm.. Ray your boyfriend?"

"Oh. God no." I said.. wait.. was she said that I might've had a boyfriend?

"Ray was my sorry excuse of a father.. besides.. no guy or girl would ever like me anyways" I said. Kind of leaving it out in the open that I like girls. Yes, I'm a lesbian, how could you not be? Girls are amazing. Beautiful. Especially Demi.

"Oh.." Demi replied.

"I don't think that's true at all. You seem pretty likeable, and I hardly know you."

"Maybe that's why you think I'm likeable. You'll change your mind. They all do." Demi looked defeated. She tried changing the subject.

"This Ray guy.. did he do this to you..?" I wanted to say yes. I wanted it to be out in the open. But when I tried, I couldn't speak. There was a knot in my throat. And one by one the tears began to fall down my cheeks. I looked down, ashamed that I was this weak in front of someone so strong.

"Hey.. hey now. No tears." Demi said as she began gently wiping the tears away.

"I-I'm so-sorry. It's just so hard!" I sobbed. I continued,

"he did it all the time. Every day. Physical and verbal..."

"It doesn't make you any less strong angel.." she replied.

"But I started to let myself do it too. I began harming myself.. I can't even make myself keep down food!" I cried. I wasn't trying to get attention, but I had never been open about my problems. When one thing came out they all began to pour out. I looked at Demi who was being really quiet. She looked hurt. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"It makes you even stronger." she simply said. Almost in a whisper, while staring into my eyes. I felt like she could see into me. Like I was naked. Like she was seeing every single one of my flaws.. but even with all of them she still thought I was the most perfect person she had ever seen. I stopped crying when she began wiping my tears away with her thumb again, and I looked back at her. Into her eyes. Then I did something that I haven't done in years. I slowly smiled. It was a small smile.. but it meant so much.

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