Chapter Twenty One

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I woke up with a start. When I opened my eyes I noticed that we were on the ground again, the plane must've landed just now. I turned to Demi,

"Demi, is this it? Are we here?"

"Yep, we're here, Houston baby!"

"Yayyy!" I said, mostly just excited to get off of the plane. When we got to the baggage claim we could see the crowd beginning to form now that Demi was here. We got our bags and stopped to take a few pictures with the fans and Demi signed some autographs as well.

"I wish I could talk to every single one of you personally but unfortunately I can't" Demi said.

"Trust me I would if I could because you all know just how much I love all my LOVATICS!! Especially the ones that got love for me here at home" she continued.

"That being said, I am back home, meaning when I'm not extremely super busy cramming for this TOUR coming up and kicking off RIGHT HERE IN HOUSTON!! I will be wanting to spend my free time with my family and Alli. But don't worry, I have plenty of time scheduled aside for you guys as well. Just please don't push into my privacy or hang out by my house, that's all I ask. I want this to be a fun time and I want you guys to be happy but I also need to keep myself, my family, and you guys safe. That sound good?" she concluded. She was met with a bunch of screams. She just laughed and took my hand, starting to push through to the car.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow night at the opening show!!" She said with a final wave.

"You're so cute with your fans" I gushed to her. She smiled at me and responded with

"Of course, I love them. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them. Their endless support never ceases to amaze me"

"And you never cease to amaze me" I replied, pecking her lips. The drive was surprisingly short and before we knew it we had arrived at Demi's house. We got our stuff out of the car and went to the front door. Demi was about to unlock it when it swung open.

"ALLLLI!!!!!" her mom said, greeting me with a big hug.

"What?? Mommmm! She gets a hug before I do?"

"Well Demi she's a lot cuter than you" I blushed

"Aw thank you!"

"Ugh Allii don't humor herr!" Demi said, making me laugh.

"Oh, c'mere you!" Demi's mom said to her, engulfing her into a big hug.

"I've missed you mommy"

"I've missed you too mija. Now you two come along inside now, why don't you guys get settled in. I assume you'll be sharing a room?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows at us.

"Ewww mom! Yes, we will be sharing a room"

"Alright well that's fine by me, just go take your old one, everything is still as you left it. Dallas is up there, you should say hi to her. Maddie is at school still"

"Okay. Thanks for everything mom!" Demi said, taking my hand and our stuff leading us up the stairs.

"Hey dork!" Demi shouted at Dallas.

"Look who's talking. Hey idiot" she said pulling Demi into a hug.

"Hello Alli"

"Hi Dallas" I said waving.

"My room is that one if you wanted to start unpacking" Demi said.

"I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll be right there" She continued.

"Alright babe" I said giving her a quick kiss before taking our stuff to her room. I really like her house and her family. It gives me a nice full warmth kind of comfort. Having something now that I didn't used to have. It's nice. I pulled out my phone texting Matteo an update on everything and letting him know I'm okay. Then I flopped down on to Demi's bed sighing. It wasn't a long day, and the day wasn't even close to over yet, but I was rushed and felt really tired still somehow. I closed my eyes for a couple seconds and ended up drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys!!! Pleaseee don't hate me for letting this story go for so long. Before I knew it school was back and I just really have to focus on that y'know. However, first semester finals just ended so I'm officially on Winter Break until the 5th of January. It feels pretty great. This chapter wasn't much of anything, more or less it was a filler just to get myself back on track to where I was heading with it before. I'm thinking of doing a time jump to a certain time because I have ideas pf where I want this to be going in mind and I have drama coming as well because well what's a story without a little drama at this point. I need something to draw attention back because I feel as though 3/4 of the people who started reading this fic have stopped or will stop at this point so I just need a little something to bring entertainment back. I'm going to try to update every weekend as long as I can keep school work under control. I'm in some advanced courses right now so homework is always a struggle and next year I'll even be in some college classes as a junior in highschool (just to give you an idea of the kind of work and classes I have now that would lead up to even being able to be in a college course). But yeah. One last thing before I go now, I'm currently writing a new fic. Harmonizers would like this one. It's a Camila/You fic. I have 4 chapters drafted already. It stems from a personal experience I had with Camila at a meet and greet 12.10 (so a couple weeks ago) and then from there I've tweaked a few minor details and really just let my imagination take it away. It's a fresh new fic so I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys will amybe tell any friends you have that are into Camila or even check it out yourself. I am going to tryyy posting at least one chapter tonight or tomorrow morning but it's 2 am as I'm writing this so I'm gonna kinda play it by ear but watch out for it, it's gonna be called "The Walking Fanfic". I'll try keeping you guys posted on updates about that and that's about it. Hope you're having a good day/night wherever you are :) ~Jasmine

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