Nash Grier // Jock

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Nash Grier is the most popular guy at my school. Me? I'm just another person in the crowd. I guess you could say I'm the "nerdy" type. I have rectangular glasses and I only have a few friends. But I didn't mind.

I've been crushing on Nash since Freshman year. The first time I looked into his crystal clear blue eyes, I fell for him. Hard. Although he's a jock, he treats everyone at school with kindness. Regardless of their social status.

But why would Nash ever like a plain boring girl like me? I'm a nobody. People like him don't associate with people like me. But all I could do, was dream and hope.

∞ ∞ ∞

I walked into the school building, pulling my grey knit cardigan closer to my body. Man was it chilly outside.

I came up to my locker, putting in my combination and getting all my stuff for my classes. As I was pulling out my textbook for History, it was suddenly knocked to the floor. What the heck?

I quickly looked up, ready to yell at someone, when I was met with those same blue eyes that I fell in love with.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going because I woke up late. And I bumped into you. I'm so sorry. Are you alright? Did I hurt you? I-"

"Nash it's alright." I lightly chucked as he rambled.

"Once again I'm so sorry Y/N. Oh, here's your textbook by the way." Nash said as he grabbed my book off the floor and handing it to me.

Wait. He knows my name? He knows who I am? What?

"Oh thanks." I said awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Nash apologized once again, sincerity in his eyes.

"Nash it's alright. You don't have to keep apologizing. It was an accident." I laughed lightly.

"Okay I'll stop..." Nash chuckled awkwardly.

I'm still surprised he's even talking to me. Doesn't he have people to see? Speaking of people, they're probably staring at us.

Sure enough I looked around the
hall and so many eyes were locked on us. I saw the wild obsessed girls that hung out with him, whispering into each other's ears and pointing at me. Some of them even glared at me.

I was never the one to like attention. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Nash deserves to talk to someone better than me.

"Hey uh Nash, it's alright. Stop beating yourself over it. I gotta go to History, don't wanna be late you know?" I rambled nervously.

I closed my locker and was about to walk off when I felt a hand grasp onto my arm. I turned around and sure enough, it was Nash.

"Wait um before you go Y/N. I was uh wondering if you wanted to hang after school today? I mean it's totally cool if you don't want to. Uh it was just a suggestion." Nash rambled nervously, while scratching the back of his neck.

"W-what? Me?" I questioned dumbly.

"Yes Y/N you," Nash laughed at me.

"So what do you say Y/N?" Nash asked, hope in his eyes while fiddling with his hands.

"Yeah, I'd love to Nash!" I smiled at him.

"Really? That's great," He smiled at me so big. Like I just gave him the last piece of chocolate or something.

"Okay, um wait for me by the front doors after sixth period?"

"Sure Nash, I'll see you then." I lazily smiled.

I can't believe this is happening. I've been dreaming of this moment since freshman year. All of this is so surreal.

"I'll see you later Y/N." Nash smirked at me, kissing me on the cheek. He then turned away and walked off to class.

My hand rose up to touch my cheek. His lips were so soft. Smiling like a fool, I started walking to History class. With a pep in my step.

∞ ∞ ∞

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-xoxo Sabrina

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