Jack Gilinksky // Cuddles

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Finally, it's Friday night. No more school for two more days. Jack was coming over tonight, like he usually does for movie night.

As soon as I came downstairs after taking a shower, the doorbell rang almost causing me to drop my phone. Gosh I'm so clumsy.

Dropping my phone onto the couch, I walked over to the front door. Peering into the peephole I was welcomed with my adorable boyfriend waiting outside with a bag in his hands.

I pulled the door opened and was quickly enveloped in a warm hug. I inhaled his cologne as I hugged him back.

"Hey babe. I brought your favorite candy, ice cream and some movies." Jack said as he pulled back from our hug, but not before sneaking in a kiss.

"OMG YOU DID? Thank you! Let's go Jack!" I exclaimed jumping up and down, holding onto his arms.

After locking the door, I pulled him into the living room and took a spot in the middle of the couch.

"What movie do you want to watch Y/N? I have Mean Girls, 21 Jump Street, White Chicks-"

Jack got cut off mid sentence as I yelled,

"WHITE CHICKS? You brought my favorite movie too?" I smiled widely at him.

"Of course babe, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" Jack smirked.

"Well you're the best boyfriend." I told him as I got up from the couch and walked over to him.

"Yeah well I hope so. But I'm pretty sure I am." Jack winked at me, self confidence oozing out of him.

I grabbed the movie from his hands and smiled sweetly at him.

"Thanks babe." I said as I walked over and put the move in.

Turning around, Jack was right behind me with a smirk on his face.

"What Jack?" I questioned.

"Nothing you just, uh your butt looks great in those shorts babe." Jack's smirk grew even wider if that was possible.

"Let's watch the movie." I blushed at him, walking towards the couch.

"Okay Y/N whatever you say." Jack chuckled as he sat down next to me and pulled me to into his side.

∞ ∞ ∞

We spent the evening cuddling, watching my all time favorite movie and eating loads of junk food. Friday nights were my absolute favorite.

I was snuggled up in Jack's chest, with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. The movie was almost over so I wasn't paying much attention to it. Fiddling with the end of Jack's shirt, I looked up to already find him gazing at me.

"What...? Is there something on my face?" I shyly questioned dropping my head.

"No you're just...so beautiful Y/N." Jack smiled at me lifting my chin so I could look him in the eyes.

"You really do know how to make a girl blush don't you." I laughed nervously, already feeling my cheeks on fire.

"Well it's the truth babe," Jack leaned forward and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you Y/N." Jack said as he pulled back and smiled at me, showing off his perfect white teeth.

"I love you too Jack, so much more than you think." I said back, giggling at him.

"That's impossible." He said as he pulled me even closer to him. I was basically sitting in his lap with his arms wrapped surely around me,

"Whatever you say Jack." I laughed as I leaned forward and sweetly kissed him.

∞ ∞ ∞

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I'm going to keep writing these as
" Y/N" until someone sends me a request!

-xoxo Sabrina

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