Matt Espinosa // Jealous

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"I'll be right back Y/N I just need to use to restroom." Matt told me as he kissed me sweetly.

"Okay I'll just wait here." I smiled at him as I took a sip of the lemonade he bought for me.

Matt smiled at me before walking towards the restroom that was a bit across from the table we were just sitting at.

Matt decided to bring me on a surprise date at a boardwalk carnival and I am loving every second of it.

As I was thinking about all the things we've done so far today, a guy who looked to be my age interrupted me.

"Hey cutie, what are you doing here sitting all alone?" He asked me.

I wasn't going to lie, he was pretty cute, but nothing compared to Matt. This guy had brown hair up in a quiff like Matts and green eyes.

"Oh I'm just waiting for my boyfriend, he's in the restroom." I said to him as he took the seat where Matt was sitting.

"Well a pretty girl like you doesn't deserve to be all alone." He smiled at me.

"Um well I already told you, I have a boyfriend..." I said awkwardly.

"Oh you okay sorry to bother you." This boy said nervously, getting up as he scratched the back of his neck. Huh, maybe this guy has no bad intentions-

"Hey Y/N sorry it took awhile, the line was kinda long. Who's this...?" Matt said as he grabbed my waist gently and stood me up. He looked the guy up and down, questioning him.

"Oh Matt this is uh..."


"Yeah Mason..." I trailed off. Quite frankly I didn't know what to say in this awkward situation.

"Okay Mason, so what were you doing talking to MY GIRLFRIEND."Matt asked, putting empathizes on the girlfriend.

"Oh I was uh just leaving..." Mason said a bit terrified of Matt.

"Yeah you were. Let's go Y/N." Matt snarled at him as he wrapped his arm even tighter around my waist and turned away. Wait my lemonade is still on the table...

"Matt that was a bit rude."

"What was he doing even talking to you Y/N? I leave for a couple minutes and I come back to find some guy talking to you? Was he trying to ask for your number or something? Huh?" Matt questioned me angrily. Stopping on the side so we wouldn't block the walk way.

"What? No Matt, I thought he was but then I told him I had a boyfriend and he backed off. He was about to leave as soon as you came up. I promise he didn't try to advance on me or anything. Don't tell me. THE Matt Espinosa is jealous?" I told him truthfully, smirking at the part of him possibly being jealous.

I actually thought it was kinda hot.

"Well yeah I mean, you're so beautiful and perfect and amazing. You could have any guy you wanted, yet you chose me. And I'm still wondering why you chose me, out of all people. But I'm just afraid that you're going to leave me once you find somewhere better." Matt confessed sadly, unwrapping his arm from my waist.

My smirk disappeared and my heart was slowly crushed at how defeated and sad Matt looked. Like an innocent unwanted lost puppy. The thought of me finding another guy was absolutely impossible. I knew Matt was the one for me.

"What no Matt, listen to me and listen to me carefully," I said seriously as I reached out and placed my arms around his neck.

"No one and I mean no one, could ever take your place. If anything, I'm scared that you're going to leave me. You're absolutely the best boyfriend any girl could ever dream of. Matt, you could have any girl you wanted. Why you chose me? I don't know and it still astounds me to this very day. But the point is. I love you Matt and only you. You make me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. You truly make me happy. So please don't say stuff like that because it tears me apart." I confessed to him, honesty dripping from every single word I said.

Matt looked me in the eyes, a smile evidently growing on his face as he cutely blushed at my words.

"I'm sorry I doubted you." Matt pouted his lips cutely at me.

"It's okay you didn't know. I love you Matt." I told him.

"I love you too Y/N." Matt said.

He slowly leaned in and place his lips on mine. The fireworks erupted in my stomach and I truly felt content. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer.

We pulled away and I look into his soft hazel eyes, getting lost in the swirls of brown. We both smiled at each other. I knew I would never leave Matt. I loved him with all of my heart, and I always would.

∞ ∞ ∞

Hoped you liked it! :)
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-xoxo Sabrina

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