Matt Espinosa // Sad

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Strange. Matt was supposed to come over to my house an hour ago. And I haven't gotten any calls or texts, saying why he was late. This was unlike him. Matt is always so organized and on top of things.

Worrying about him too much, I just decided to walk over to his house, which was just a couple houses down from mine.

Is everything alright? Did something bad happen to him? Is he hurt?

So many thoughts were rushing through my head. I was just worried about him. Maybe I'm over thinking this or something. I'm sure he's okay.

I finally saw his house come into view and didn't waste any time running towards the door.

Breathing heavily, I pounded my fist onto the door, my heart was beating in my chest so fast I thought it would explode.

The door suddenly opened to show a sad Mrs.Espinosa. (I'm sorry, I don't know the name of Matt's mom)

"Where's Matt? Is he okay?" I quickly questioned, the worry in my chest increasing by the second.

"Y/N...Matt locked himself in his room about an hour ago. He hasn't let anyone in, not even Burnie. You can come in though if you'd like." She told me sadly.

"Is it alright if I go upstairs and see him?" I quietly asked.

"Of course sweetie, go ahead." She said ushering me towards his room.

I didn't waste any time making my way up the stairs. The endless thoughts kept swirling in my head.

With sweaty palms, I knocked slightly on his bedroom door.

"Hello?'s Y/N. Can you open the door please?" I timidly asked.

"W-what? No go a-away Y/N. Please." I heard Matt's muffled voice say.

"No Matt. I'm not leaving until you open this door."

After a few seconds of silence, I heard him shuffle towards the door and the un click of the lock.

Pushing the door open, I saw Matt hunched over on the side of his bed, with his back facing me.

I walked over to him slowly, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Matt?" I whispered.

"P-please go away Y/N. I don't want you to see m-me like this." Matt hiccuped.

It sounded like he was crying. His sniffles and shaking body gave it away.

Matt was...crying? This never happens. He's always so positive and joyful. He's like a bucket a sunshine.

Sitting down next to Matt, I placed my hand on his shoulder lightly.

" please turn around." I asked in a soothing voice.

Matt tensed up the moment I said that. I could tell he was debating whether he should or not. His body started shaking and his breaths got heavier.

Hesitantly, Matt turned his body around to face me, with tears of pain and sadness in his eyes.

"M-Matt... What's wrong?" I stuttered. Out of the whole two years of dating Matt, I've never seen him cry. Besides watching sad movies or taking away his favorite Vans. 

"Y/N...I don't k-know. Is something wrong with me?"

"What? No Matt, why would you think that."

"People...on Twitter and Vine. E-everyone hates m-me," Matt cried.

"H-here just look at it." He said while handing me his phone.

I saw that he was already on his Twitter and his mentions were filled with all negative tweets.

You're stupid

No one likes you


Ugly cow

Why are you even "famous"

You're not even funny

These comments broke my heart, but they made me more angry than sad. How dare someone say that to Matt, or anyone over the Internet? People are sick.

My eyes narrowed and I started to breathe heavily. All these stupid people made Matt cry. How dare they.

Hastily I composed a new tweet on my account,

"@Y/N: Listen here and listen closely. How dare you hate on someone, yet not even knowing them? If I see more hate directed towards Matt, I will not hesitate to block and report you. I know not all of you are hating on Matt, but to those who are, you can go ahead and fuck off. Have a nice day."


Looking up at Matt, the anger in my eyes immediately vanished as I took in his sad eyes.

"Matt, you won't have to worry about them anymore."

"W-what did you do Y/N?" Matt sniffled.

"Let's just say they saw the bad side of me. It's okay though." I slightly laughed, thinking about my tweet.

Moving towards him so our knees were touching, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Matt, you just need to ignore the haters. All that matters are the people who love and support you. And if you're ever feeling down, I'm a couple houses down and just a click of your phone away. Okay?"

I told him as I held him tighter, playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck.

"What did I do to deserve you." Matt said, his lips brushing against my neck.

He wrapped him arms around my waist as I pulled my head back.

"I'll always be here for you Matt." I smiled at him.

A smile found its way onto his prefect face. Hazel eyes shining with love and happiness. His cute crooked teeth showing. I love him so much, and I'd do anything to make him happy.

∞ ∞ ∞

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-xoxo Sabrina

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