Nash Grier // Bad Boy

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The sun was at its highest peak in the sky today, making my body feel like it was on fire. I could feel the collection of sweat in the back of my rose colored sports bra, my body begging me to go home and take a cold shower. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, disgusted by myself before reaching for my water bottle that was on the table beside me. Hastily taking the cap off, I gulped down half of the bottle, satisfied that my body was replenished and I now felt like I could finally breathe. Work- outs could be a pain, but it was worth it. The feeling I get afterwards is great and I feel so accomplished. But I guess I'm an idiot who decided to workout, when it was 75 degrees out.

I just finished thirty minutes of an intense ab and leg workout before I decided it was time to start my run. Gosh why am I doing this, I thought to myself. Bending down, I adjusted my pink Nike Free Runs, making sure my laces were intact. I'm the clumsiest person you would ever meet. I trip over the smallest things, leaving myself to be embarrassed, but my friends thought it was hilarious.

Grabbing my phone off the table, I put my headphones into my ear and put my music on shuffle. The familiar tune of Good Girls flooded in my mind instantly putting a smile onto my face. Placing my phone into the waistband of my black Nike shorts and grabbing my water bottle, my feet took off, putting my mind and body into a state of peace.

Running was something that I liked to do in my free time. Every stressful thought flew out of my mind as my feet pounded against the cement, taking me further into the park trail.

...Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught...

I sighed loudly, deeply think about the lyrics in this song. I actually was a good girl, NOT a bad girl. But a part of me wishes I could have a more...interesting life? I'm a good girl, and that's it. I listen to my parents, I follow rules, and I never doing anything bad. Same routine all the time. Nothing has ever excited or shocked me, in a way of being...dangerous. I do what's safe and what people expect me to do. I wish I could go to parties and stay out late and not have my parents pester me about coming home early. But of course I'm not stupid enough to drink or smoke, I'm not into that kind of life. I just want a more interesting life full of late night hangouts with my friends, crazy adventures and not knowing what's going to happen every hour of the day. And just live for the moment.

I stopped running, leaning against a tree as I tried to catch my breath. Heaving like a mad woman I took my phone out of my shorts. Eyes widening, I didn't know that I ran for almost forty-five minutes. Wow. Eagerly opening my water bottle, my breathing started to slow down as I took in my surroundings. I was now in a secured part of the park trail, with trees surrounding in like a private cave, hiding me from anyone from the outside. I've never been to this part of the park before. Putting the cap back onto my water bottle, I decided it was time to start getting back home, considering that it was almost nine thirty.

And so I began my trek back home, listening to the birds chirp as the sun stared to set. Casting a beautiful hue of red, orange and purple into the sky. I took a swift right turn, taking a short cut that lead through a street that was abandoned. Stopping in my tracks, I thought I heard the sound of footsteps behind me, but maybe it's just my imagination. I quickly whipped around, scanning my surroundings but I found nothing out of the ordinary but an empty street. Sighing to myself, I picked up my pace and started to jog faster, wishing I didn't choose the five mile distance away from my house.

The sound of footsteps could be heard more clearly and closer, making me want to turn around and see who was behind me. Curiosity took the best of me as I glanced behind my shoulder. Big mistake.

Gasping, I turned around and started to full out sprint for my life. My heart was pounding against my chest as I tried to get away from the person behind me. A man. With a black hoodie upon his head. A man who smirked at me when I looked at him just a few seconds ago. With a knife in his hand.

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