Chapter Ten: You're Safe Here

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Tyler brings me into his house, I've obviously been here before, but it's been awhile. "I have a guest room if you wanna sleep there, though it gets kinda cold in there without a heater" Tyler smiles at me, holding my bag over his shoulder. "C-Could I sleep with you? I mean, in your room. I haven't slept alone in a long time.." I shrug, blushing.

"Of course you can Ev, let's take your bags up there" Tyler chuckles, showing me upstairs and throwing the bag on the bed. "Want me to order in pizza? We can eat and watch TV and I'll carry you upstairs when you fall asleep" Tyler smiles, taking my second bag and putting it onto the bed too.

"I..I'd like that" I smile, giggling quietly. "Good! Pepperoni?" Tyler asks, trotting down stairs with me in pursuit. "Sure" I giggle, following him. I freeze when I hear Jonathan's ring, fishing my phone out of my pocket and staring at it. "Uh, Tyler? Wh-What do I do?" I squeak, showing him the scream.

"Give me that" Tyler says, taking my phone and looking at it. He clicks a few things and hands it back to me. "Keep it on silent until I have a little heart-to-heart with Jon. I hope you know that means fist-to-face" Tyler jokes... I hope. I giggle either way and Tyler calls the pizza place, ushering me into the living room.

He comes in about five minutes later with some beer, handing me one and collapsing on the couch next to me. "What do you wanna watch?" He asks, smiling at me as he takes a sip. "Uh.. I dunno, you pick something" I shrug, getting comfortable in the corner of the couch. "Alright, I think you'll like this show if you haven't seen it already" Tyler smiles at me.

He turns on Netflix and picks the show second in his recently watched. He turns it on but goes to the very first episode, it looks like he's watched all of them. I giggle and watch, the two of us settling into a comfortable silence. I smile and take a sip of my beer, curling up in my seat.

Tyler raises an eyebrow at me and wordlessly throws a blanket on top of me, making me laugh. I fix the blanket and get comfy again as Tyler snickers, enjoying his show. "Better?" He asks, smiling at me. "Better" I giggle, nuzzling under the blanket happily.

The doorbell rings and Tyler jumps up, putting his beer on the coffee table. "Be right back" He smiles, walking through the archway and to the front door. I grab my phone and gulp when I notice Jonathan left a voicemail, clicking on it and putting the phone to my ear.

"Evan! You're supposed to tell me when you're leaving the house! Get back here right now, I came home early for you and you're not even here! Call me once you fucking hear this" Jonathan growls through the voicemail, making me flinch and whimper even though he's miles away.

Tyler walks in with the box of pizza and quickly notices my appearance, putting the box down next to his beer. "Evan? What's wrong?" He asks, sitting next to me. I play the voicemail for him and he sighs, putting my phone on the coffee table and pulling me into another hug.

"I got you Ev, you're safe here"

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