The...Sort of...Calm Before the Storm

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Hey Lovelyz! So I'm kind of satisfied with the way this fic has been progressing so far :3 It's like once I start writing, the chapter just happens and it isn't painful to work through which is nice.  Anyways I should probably let shit get real and don't have much else to say today, so joyous reading crew! <3 <3<3


Lance let out a sigh as he tossed in bed. He was anxious. Like really anxious about tomorrow and thus lost sleep anticipating the battle that was yet to come. He had tried looking at the glow stars from his childhood that still faintly lit up the ceiling of his room. Usually, if he counted them, a calm satisfaction would come him, but tonight it wasn't happening. 

He groaned, flipping the covers off of himself. Maybe if he looked at the real stars it would work. He walked over to his window, flinching at the sound it's old decrepit frame made as he slowly slid it open.The last thing he wanted was to wake his mother or, worse yet, siblings. After verifying that this wasn't the case, he crawled out the window onto the roof of his porch. It was awkward as he stuck one lanky leg and arm out first. But then, everything about Lance was awkward.

He grabbed his phone and blanket, pulling them out on to the roof with him. It was chilly as it always was in the desert during the night. He could see the puffs of white that his breath produces. He proceeded to breathe smoke out like a dragon, quietly amusing himself and tasting the nostalgia of his childhood. It had been a long, long time since he had been a child, even if he sometimes seemed like one on the outside. 

Lance had been forced to grow up much faster than he had imagined for the sake of his family and his siblings. A childhood that was cut short because the adult that was supposed to be protecting them was out putting them in danger instead. Lance plopped back onto the blanket he was huddled in staring up at the bright stars. They were exceptionally beautiful tonight, he could even make out what he was the edge of the Milkyway galaxy due to his intense interest in astronomy. He was majoring in astrophysics in college and some day, just some day hopefully his dream of floating among them would come true. 


Keith scrunched his eyebrows together in quiet contemplation. He was now holding his glowing phone in front of his face, staring at Lance's contact. Allura had given him the number and now he wasn't exactly sure what to do. Should he text him? 

But wouldn't that be a little weird? Just randomly texting him in the middle of the night like "Hey man~ This is Keith." when he doesn't even know that I have his number?

Basically, the question was: Would he be overstepping his boundaries by texting Lance? 

The other problem was that he really wanted to like REALLY. 


Keith's nerves were getting the best of him. He had never texted someone first, always being the one to reply first. He was the one who literally couldn't make a phone call if it meant talking to a stranger or possibly interrupting something important. But this was Lance we were talking about. He knew Lance, and it was the middle of the night. He was probably sleeping, probably wouldn't even see the text until he woke up in the morning.

Come on man, stop being a wuss...

Keith had had enough. He was frustrating himself with how much he had to think about what he wanted to do. Lance had literally seen him with fur. What was the worst that could happen? Keith sent the message on impulse, instantly regretting it, but figuring that Lance wouldn't see it until morning, he could die then.

Keith: Hey

Lance: Uh, hey...who dis be??? 

Keith: It's Keith...

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