Secrets revealed...accidentally of course

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"I never said that..." I trailed off. "Harry. It's obvious. You stare at his lips when he looks you in the eyes"

Those perfect pink lips. I could kiss them all day.

"You stare at his bum when he walks in front of you"

It's so cute and tiny. How could you not stare?!

"You practically eye-rape his crotch when he's not looking"

Well duhh

"Your face lights up when he walks in"

He's the light of my day

"You laugh when he laughs"

It's contagious haha

"When he cries, you cry"

I hate seeing him sad. God why can't he just love me back?!



"You do realize you just admitted to me you have feelings for Niall"


"You were thinking out loud"

Oh. Whoopsies. Well it's too late now.

"Yes Liam. I like him. You know what? I don't like him anymore. I fucking LOVE Niall James Horan with all my heart." I said. "YOU LIKE NIALL?!?!" I heard two voices yell. My head spun to see Louis and Zayn standing in the doorway. "Yes he does" Liam said. " HARRY LIKES NIALL!!!!!!" Louis squealed. "Louis shut up! Niall might hear you! Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with such idiots" I exclaimed. "Cause you lovvee us. Well actually you like us. You love Niall" Louis said. "And don't worry Harry. I just put him to bed. He's sound asleep" Zayn reassured me. Thank god. I thought and sighed in relief.

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