Chapter One: Between two bodies

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Alright, i'm trying something new here. I really want to push my writing boundaries into something more realistic and gritty than fantasy, so here goes nothing.

As a warning, there will be sex, swearing and probably quite a lot of grown up things, so if you are young, don't read on! If people like this chapter, i'll write more.

Enjoy, comments and constructive criticism make my day :]

Also, i've made the first part much less graphic due to the opinion of many people.


And the first note read:

"One for a heart, tainted with hatred.

Two for a mind, ruined by lust.

Three for a soul, ripped at the seams."

January 20th

She stood in front of me, dressed in nothing but a set of small, see through black lingerie. Her long, copper-blonde hair lay lightly on her petite breasts, complimenting her pale skin. I made to move in and kiss her, but she beat me to it, pressing her body against mine and caressing my lips with her own. They locked as we kissed furiously, lost in each other's embrace. I ran my fingers through her hair, feeling it roll between them like silk.

"Anna, I lov-" I began, but she swiftly cut in.

"Not now. Let's just stay in this moment." She said, kissing me once more. I found myself unable not to succumb, and instead of talking, I moved my hands down to her waist and rubbed it gently.

The next fifteen minutes or so were a blur of skin, passion, heat and everything that comes between two bodies. I held her in my arms as we fell asleep, intertwined and exhausted. The last thing I remember seeing was her beautiful, hazel eyes closing, and feeling her touch on my bare chest.


January 21st

I awoke the morning after to the unfamiliar feeling of a woman curled up beside me. I could feel her chest pressing up against me, moving in and out rhythmically with her breathing. Opening my eyes, I was reminded of her undeniable beauty, something which had passed over my head during the heat of the previous night. Every one of her features was amazing, from her beautifully sculpted cheek bones, to her adorable button nose. Her skin was flawless, with not a blemish or imperfection to be seen. She truly was an archetype of perfection, a template for excellence. We seemed to be in sync: mere moments after I gazed upon her, she gave a deep exhalation and opened her eyes.

"Good morning." I said quietly, unable to contain my grin. She responded by kissing me lightly on the lips and burying her head in my chest for a second. As she rolled to face me yet again, she yawned slightly before smiling.

"Last night was...amazing." She said, stroking my cheek with her small hands. I nodded in agreement, still smiling contently and staring deeply into her abyssal black pupils.

"Alex, do you really love me?" Anna asked, after a brief period of silence.

"Of course I do!" I replied confidently, squeezing her hand and kissing her on the forehead. She giggled and kissed me back, releasing our hands and instead wrapping them around my waist. She felt warm and soft against me, and I wished more than anything just to lay with her forever.

If only I had known how life would change that day, perhaps I wouldn't have gotten up. Perhaps I would have stayed there with her, and life would still be something worth cherishing.

Life isn't that fair.

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