Chapter Fourteen: Ambushed.

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Earlier, February 1st

The day was still young as Lauren and I lay, blissfully intertwined in my bed. Light filtered through the gaps in my blinds, illuminating the room and filling it with an ambience that washed over the two of us. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to simply listen to the ever present sounds of life; the chirp of a newborn chick, the low hum of morning commuters setting off to work, the laughter of young children playing in the street, I took all of them in,appreciatingthe subtle details of each as they passed. Something to my left stirred, and I opened my eyes to see another pair staring back at me, their irises a beautiful mottled blue that carried a sense of wisdom and enigma. The girl before me smiled a smile thatmeltedmy heart, and for a minute I did nothing but stare, completely enthralled in her. She spoke first, her voice a symphony played by an orchestra of angels.

"Hey there handsome." She said, bringing a hand up and brushing it slowly through the side of my hair. My pulse shot up as her skin caressed mine, a second hand coming to rest on my warm, bare chest.

"Good morning beautiful." I whispered, breathless form simply looking at her. She inched her head upwards and out lips met, fusing into one in a moment of perfect harmony. They were plush and almost fragile, delicate like silk. We broke apart, my smile widening to the point where it felt as if it were about to break.

"Did anyone ever tell you how adorable you are?" I asked her, running a hand across her cheek. Her face flushed a brilliant red, and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"I hate you sometimes, you know that?" She joked. I laughed one more, leaning down and kissing her on the bridge of her nose.

"And I never stop loving you."


The morning from there was nothing out of the ordinary. We lay for hours, content with simply holding each other, and when the resplendent light of day became too powerful to ignore, we finally got up. I admired Lauren'sunbelievablefigure as she changed, prompting a gentle chuckle from her.

"It's as if you've never seen me naked before!" She said as she pulled on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Well that's because up until last night, I hadn't." I replied, wandering up to her and placing my hands on her waist. Her hands reached up and then fell to my biceps as she moved in closer.

" Well expect to see a lot more of it in the future." She teased, kissing me on the forehead and walking away. I grinned and followed her as we made our way outside to face the day.

"Where is everyone today? It's like eleveno'clockand I don't have Sam nagging me to meet her somewhere or Daniel asking ifI'veseen you around." She asked, checking her phone and looking puzzled.

"I think Sam and Lucy are out shopping for Daniel's birthday, and I'm fairly sure Daniel is at rugby for another hour or so. No idea about the others, though." I answered. She pressed herself up against me, her fingers slotting neatly into place between mine.

"Looks like it's just me and you then!" She replied, smiling. I grinned broadly and, in one quick movement, I swept her off her feet and into my arms.

"Where to then princess?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow and gave me a confused look.

"And they said chivalry is dead." She said.

"Just call me prince charming!" I replied. She giggled, and I began to walk.

"Well prince charming, we may as well go to the park until everyone decides to come back." She decided. I swung my body around and changed course to the park.

"A fine choice m'lady." I answered. A short walk later, and we had reached our destination. I let her fall gently to the ground, almost missing the feel of her in my arms as I did so. We wandered over to the swings and sat, admiring the view; fresh plant life had began to grow in, giving the entire area a vibrant look compared to the previously bleak, winter torn landscape. The park was alive with the idol chatter of mothers and the laughter of their children playing not far off. We were deep in conversation about what to get Daniel for his birthday, when I noticed something on the horizon. Reading my expression, Lauren turned to take a look.

"Is that..?" She began as the shape became more pronounced, now evidently a surge of males with a single female leading them.

"It is." I said,subconsciously making my way out of the enclosed area and out into the grassy field.

"What do you think she's doing?" Lauren questioned, not even a hint of worry in her voice. Her ability to stay collected all of the time astounded me on a daily basis.

"I think we're about to find out." I answered. We stopped dead as Anna neared, her face expressionless and the glare in her eyes cold and dead.

"What do you want Anna?" I asked. She said nothing, only stood and stared as her acquaintances formed a circle around us. "Well?" I pressed. I shook my head and turned to walk away, when a firm grip reeled me back in. It was one of the males that were accompanying Anna, and he looked manic.

"Do you want to get the fuck off me, or will I make you?" I threatened. A fist shot out at me, but I managed to break his grip and avoid it at the last second. I flicked my leg out in an attempt to catch him off balance with a roundhouse, but another pair of arms came out and whirled me round, the kick moving trajectory and cracking against the floor. Something wooden collided with my stomach and I groaned, only to be struck with a merciless punch to the face. Sharp nails pierced my scalp as I was hoisted upright and brought face to face with Anna, a pair of muscular arms holding mine back. Her mouth curled into a decrepit sneer, and her voice came out as a sickening rasp when she spoke.

"I told you I'd ruin your life." She tormented.

"Get off him you psychopathic bitch!" Lauren stormed. There was a sharp tug on my hair as Anna was forced backwards, her spindly fingers slipping away. She made to fight back, but Lauren slogged a punch at her nose and she fell backwards. I spun my body, putting all of my energy into my shoulders and the man behind me followed, landing clumsily on the floor. I ran head on at Anna, who panicked and released Lauren. Too late, I noticed the trap as yet another male pummelled my wrist with what appeared to be a baseball bat. I flinched momentarily and he followed up with a second hit to the face. I ducked to avoid another which skimmed over my head by centimetres. Lauren was nearby, trying to wrench herself from Anna's grip. Anna threw a near lethal looking punch, but Lauren avoided it expertly and kicked her swiftly in the shin. She screamed and Lauren retreated as I reached her. The males had now formed a full circle, with Anna, Lauren and I in the centre.

"Alex, get my back." Lauren ordered as she pulled her phone out. I obliged, doing my best to ward off the attacks of several assailants. I heard her curse, followed by the rapid clicking of buttons.

"Ambushed at park, need help, come now." I heard her mutter to herself. She shrieked as a punch broke my defences, flicking the phone high into the air before it dropped on the now thoroughly trodden ground. I responded with a well placed kick to the stomach, which caused the man to double over limply.

"Did it se-" I began, as something metal flashed by me. I tried to react, but it was too late; a pair of knuckledusters blasted across my mouth, blood spurting out as my head whipped in an arc. I stuttered something incomprehensible, as something deadly looking and black came up with precision to my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2010 ⏰

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