As I walk out of the door I realize that my boss is a dick. He's a double dick. He fired me! This really is the worst day ever!
When I finally arrive home, I check my mail box. A small invitation sets in it. I grab and to read: "Mr. and Mrs. Hues. A vintage, country wedding. Your invited" ohhh great. My dad is getting married..... Again?! Just when I thought my dad was the worst. Now it's horrible.
I run up the stairs in the apartment area. I run past Noah. "H-hi" he says uncertainly.
"Emergency meeting now!!!!" I yell. James and fredna run out."What's wrong?" They both ask in unison.
"That dick face is getting married again to his little whore." I rage on.
"Hell No! And you were invited?" Fredna ask
"Yeah. I'll never like her." I say.
"Still go." James said.
"Fuck. No. I need a date at least" I say. "Plus I hate that bitch"
"Sometimes you have to meet the person personally before you judge them. She could be really nice." James says
"Leave that girl alone. I'll come with you sweets and I'll help you find a date" Fredna says. "If that yellow witch tries anything, I'll beat her ass" she says in my ear.
"Sure. Why not? It's a deal. Let's go plan." I say as we run to my apartment.

Destroy Me
RomanceTwo words: adventure. Romance. Sarah hues is living a basic live, trying to find love. When suddenly, a incident happens that changes her life completely. Read more to find out