Two words: adventure. Romance.
Sarah hues is living a basic live, trying to find love. When suddenly, a incident happens that changes her life completely.
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"You look handsome" I say. "Thank you." He says "Where are you taking me tonight?" I ask. "A field." He smirks and guides me outside. "Is that where your gonna kill me at?" I ask. "Naha. It's a surprise but I'm gonna blind you up." He says "Ok" I obey ((((((((Maybe 2 hours later))))) Noah takes the fold off my eyes. I looks around to see: a field under the full moon. A picnic is sat out with lamps and a bunch of flowers all around. It looks so romantic. "Do you like it?" He ask. I turn around and hug him. "Yes. Thank you." I say. I haven't felt so alive, so..... All this brings back memories. I shut my family out for years. He brings back the good in me. "I love this" I say. "I love. You." He says. "That's so sweet. I barely know you and you make me feel like me again. I- I love you back." I say
We set for hours. We just talk. "I have a brother" I say. "Wanna talk about it?" He ask. "My parents were so happy together. They divorced and left me, my brother and my sister heartbroken. My mom ran off and left us with my dad. My dad is always going from marriage to marriage. It hurts me." I tell him part of my life story. "I'm sorry. What's his name?" Noah ask "Nate" I say "What's your sister's?" He ask "Bridget" I say "Can I... Learn about them?" He ask. "They are amazing. I moved here for college. They only wanted someone to love them. I wasn't fully there at the time and..... They are mentally not there either. Sadly I didn't get college and stayed here for my friend Lisa. Lisa betrayed me the other day. Now I don't know what to do." I say " I'm so sorry." He says as he pulls me next to him. "I can't forget that I lost my job the other day." I mention. " I'm sorry" he says as he lays his head on the top of mine. " it's not even your fault." I say. " time for you to share" I laugh and change the topic. " well.... What you wanna know?" He ask.
"Any siblings? Other than Tanya." I ask. "No. How'd you meet Tanya?" He ask. "Long story." I say. "Oh" he says. " where you from?" I ask. "Boston" he says. " why'd you move?" I ask. "My mom wanted to move." He says. " why do you still live with your mom?" I ask. " trying to save up for a place." He says. "Hmmmmm"I think of what to ask.
"if you could kiss me... Right now, right here.... Would you do it" Noah ask I stare into his eyes. He pulls me close to him. He slides a hand on my cheek and the other toward my back. He crushes our lips together. We start our own pace. Our lips mold together. Once we finally break for air.....he pulls me up and takes me to his car. "Sarah..-" he starts and gets on one knee. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He ask and pulls out a anchor ring that is one of the wrap around kind.
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"Yes." I say and kiss him again. "Good. I thought all that kissing would've been for nothing." He says. We laugh forever. "Hey.... Let's lay in the back of your truck" I say. He helps me up and we lay, cuddled together as we look at the stars. "Will you come to my dads wedding with me?" I ask "Why not?" He says "Ohhh. Thank you thank you. Thank you!" I say as I hug him.
"We should be getting back." He says. "Awww man." I say "Maybe another time." He says. "Ok... Fine. I love you" I say "Love you." He says and we get in the seats. He slowly drives away.
........... What do you think? What should their name be? Norah? You come up with it and comment it. Thanks for reading.